Part 31

475 9 1

3rd person prove.

The whole room was quiet only sounds you could hear was when Hades starts dreaming about chasing rabbits or playing with Scarlett. Or when Luka starts snoring really loud which gets cut off when Callisto sleepily slaps him. The bed has five humans who are cuddled into each other, on the left side Vladimir was holding Scarlett on top him while Franco was snuggled into Vlad's side. On the right side of the bed held Callisto being the big spoon to Luka.

They're silence gets disturbed when a phone ringing loudly on the left side of the bed that holds Vlad. He wakes groggily looking around Scarlett whines when he moves to sit up. To make sure the others don't wake up he quickly grabs the phone that ringing answering it "what's wrong", he says knowing that if he's called in the middle of the night then something has gone wrong. "We need you and the there's a rat in the house, they messed with the camera near the garage and around that hallway leading to it, I did look and see what I could salvage and I'm sorry but they were in the hallway when you came home with Scarlett last night" , Alex says.

As soon as Alex said the last part Vladimir woke up instantly, "we'll be in the main office in five", he says about to hang up the phone "wait there's something else Luna is hurt she was walking around and got into a fight with the rat she hurt pretty bad, I think Scarlett should stay with Lilah she already with Luna" , Alex sighs then hangs up.

Vlad sighs then carefully lays Scarlett next to Franco they both wrap around each other. Sitting at the edge of the bed he turns to look his lovers seeing all of them are sleeping soundly. Getting up he moves over to Callisto's side crouching down gently stroking his hair waking him up, his eyes groggily open looking around before stopping on Vlad "we're needed there's a rat" , he whispers Callisto rubs his eyes and nods.

As Vlad goes to the bathroom to get ready Callisto gets up then wakes up he others making sure everyone is up before joining Vlad. Franco got up before Luka and Scarlett looking at them as they cling to each other. "Come on you to we need to be up" , he says a little loudly to get them up. Luka groans then opens his eyes Scarlett opens your eyes but looks mad that she is up.

Over the time they've been together the boys have realized that waking Scarlett is like waking a rapid dog, so once Luka and Franco realized she is up they immediately got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom so let her wake up by herself. The first time they tried waking her up she nearly cut their heads off they called Lilah and Maxy to help calm her down.

Lilah then explained that waking her up from a dead sleep is very bad, Maxy told him when he was a kid he did the mistake of doing that and got slapped in the crotch. The boys all got undressed waiting for the water to get hot. As Luka got in the last one to get in Scarlett came in also getting undressed after using the bathroom and putting her hair in a bun so it doesn't get wet.

The boys watch her waiting for to make a notion that she awake enough to kiss on and talk to. After a few minutes Callisto got the courage to come over to her as she got into the shower that built to hold all of them if they all took a shower like right now. "Are you okay little one?" , he asks lifting her chin to see her eyes are awake she gives a small smile and nods then launches herself into his chest.

He gladly wraps his arms around her moving them over to he warm spray of the shower head making sure her hair doesn't get to wet. Luka comes over kissing her neck she leans her head towards him Callisto let's Luka take her so he can finish with his shower.

Once they all got finished in the shower Scarlett sat down at her vanity undoing her messy bun then brushing her hair out then putting it in a ponytail then puts chapstick on and a little bit of mascara, Vladimir went to his spot at the bathroom counter and started to blow dry his wet hair since he washed his long hair. Luka ruffles his hair with the towel then sprays cologne and put deodorant and leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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