Part 6

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Scarlett Lee Rose's pov.

Waking up to have knocking on my door, knowing it's either Molly or Lilah because Maxy would just barge in. Groaning and getting up trying to steady myself from falling over I head to the door. Turning the knob I say " so what it is it that you have found this time Molly?" , I grumbled while rubbing my eyes to see clearly.

I jump when I look at Charles staring at me with a smile on his face " guess you and your friends are very excited about staying here, I just came to ask you about something that has come up?" , he asks while chuckling.

Blushing and looking down " I'm so sorry Molly has been texting me none stop about everything she has found in her room, but yes please come in what has come up?" , I ask while standing to the side so he could come in. He enters and go to sit in a chair in the living room part in my room.

"My master has called saying he is coming to the house for a month to look for a few business things, and has asked if you and your friends stay on one side of the house while he has the other" , he says while rubbing my hand that's on the arm on my chair.

" I'm sure that would be fine, is there anyone else coming since it is a business trip?" , I ask. He nods " yes his son and his friends are coming and some other men that work for my master. He's a very wealthy man and he has bodyguards that protect him and his family every day" , he says while looking around.

After telling me that and few other things he left to go make breakfast since it was 6:00 in the morning. I went to the bathroom to get changed and freshen myself up for the day.

 I went to the bathroom to get changed and freshen myself up for the day

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*Outfit for the day*

After getting dressed I head to the kitchen to get some food. Getting down the stair I meet Maxy at the door to the kitchen. Him looking like hasn't woke up yet. I go up and hug him and he hugs me tightly to him. " what's wrong you don't hug tight unless something is wrong?" , I ask while looking at his eyes seeing they are a little red and puffy.

" it's her again she figured out that I'm here and is mad that I didn't take her saying it's the least I could do for being a useless son" , he said while new tears started to appear. I hugged him again whispering it's okays and rubbing his back.

When he first told his mom that he was gay she slapped him and thought she could beat it out of him. One day I noticed the bruises and told him to gather evidence and report her to the police and he did and they did arrest her, but her brother and sister bailed her out saying her son was mentally challenged and he didn't know what he was talking about. After that she kicked him out and my parents took him in. Now she does everything in her power to make his life miserable.

" let's forget about her tel all your friends to text to my phone if they really need to talk to you and shut your phone off for the rest of our time here." , I say while whipping his tears away.

After he felt calm and better we headed in to the kitchen where the smell of coffee and French toast and eggs was in the air and Charles in an apron. He looked so adorable lol. "Good morning to you both I hope ur both ready to start your day with a very delicious breakfast" , he said while pouring coffee into two mugs and handed them to us who were now sitting on bar stools.

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