Part 29

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Scarlett's Pov.

Sighing I throw myself on the bed groaning because I've been through my whole wardrobe and still can't find anything for my date with Callisto. Hades lays his head on my stomach sighing as well, I smile "I know you didn't sign up for this baby boy but I still need you input" , I say kissing his head. Ever since I got the courage to see the dogs he hasn't left my side, even at night now our bed has 6 in it instead of 5 which is a little uncomfortable.

I go onto my phone texting Lilah saying I need help and then got up to look one more time. 30 minutes later the bedroom door busts open with Lilah holding a gun up in the air with Maxy and Molly behind her looking around as well. Hades growls getting off the bed and getting in front of me. Lilah looks around sighing realizing I need help in a different way than she had thought "so I guess your fine jeez I thought something bad happened, but anyway do you where he's taking you?" , she said putting her gun on the nightstand and laying on the bed looking through some of the clothes on the bed while Maxy goes into the closet helping me and Molly pets hades and starts playing with him.

Lilah smiled "do you know where he's taking you?" , she asks getting up coming over to me. "No I don't he wouldn't tell me anything just to not wear a dress and nothing fancy" , I say looking at two shirts I found in the pile on the bed. Maxy came out with a pair of pants "how about this?" , he asks all of us I smile liking them but Molly didn't and Lilah didn't say anything. After an hour later we finally found something we all agreed on, usually it takes hours before we can agree on things like this.

Lilah sat down after helping me with my makeup her phone beep, she checked it then smiled at me "he's ready for you my sweet little pup" , she said opening the door and ushering me out. I look over my outfit and notice it looks a little western now that I'm really paying attention to it. I look behind me to Molly and Maxy holding hades back I give a confused look "he needs to stay here sweet puppy it's okay he'll be with us" , Maxy says making me nod and turn back to being dragged to the stairs at the endurance of the house.

Lilah goes to a corner and pulls out a black cowboy hat and sticks it on my head "have fun and don't worry you'll love it" , she whisper and then runs back down the hallway. I smirk kinda understanding what's going on I look down at the bottom of the stairs and see Callisto at the stairs on his phone.

He's wearing western clothes as well which made me feel hot and made him look so much hotter. I started walking down the stairs which got his attention his head turn upwards to look at me. I giggle when he almost dropped his phone and started to climb the first 3 steps to take my hand and pull me to him.

He kissed me and put his hands on my ass gripping my cheeks making me squeal a little. He let my lips go and looks me in the eyes " I am trying to control my urge to bring you back upstairs and fuck you senseless" , he whispers before kissing my nose.

I smile "I almost wanted to do the same thing my love, but I really want to see what you have planned tonight" , I say kissing his lips softly. He groans pulling us to the door meeting the other 3 they smile and come over to kiss me and teasing Callisto about how he looks and him and Luka start wresting with each other. I giggle and whistle to get their attention "can we please go before you two get more serious ?" , I ask coming over to them and kissing them as they stop and kiss back. Callisto guides me to a truck opening the passenger side letting me in shutting it and going over to the driver side.

After a few minutes I realize he's taking me to the barn "I think I'm starting to know what you planned" , I chuckle lightly as he squeezes my thigh. We get to the front of the barn and he gets out and helps me out since the truck is a little tall. We go into the barn to see two horses saddle for us to ride. I look up to him seeing he's smirking down at me "I thought maybe you would want to go on a ride and see the mountain a bit" , he whispers in my ear kissing my neck making me shiver lightly and start turning red since there are a few workers in here.

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