Part 7

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Callisto's pov.

After getting some more work done I checked my phone to see if Vlad and Luka are getting closer to being here.

———————————————————texting chats———————————————————

                                                                                                            So how close are you? Cause                 Father wants us to head to the house now.
Almost an hour I threatened the pilot.

———————————————————end of chat————————————————————

After knowing where they are, I got and got ready to go the the house, I go to my gun safe and get my gun out strapping it to my under arm holster. I hate going back to that house, where our whole family broke apart, the great fall of our family started.


Scarlett's pov.

"Maybe we could start some scenes in the garden, then go where the walkway to the beach part is?" , Maxy said while putting the camera parts together. Charles informed us that his master is coming today and so we thought we would make ourselves busy and actually start working on ideas for the movie.

" I like the garden opening maybe we could have the girl sitting in the flowers and have her her saying something while crying over the flowers?" , I question while writing ideas down for us to remember. Maxy agreed with me then thought we should probably figure out who is going to be the girl then start filming.

" what should we start filming first, I think maybe we could start with the girl in flowers or maybe her walking along the shore line?" , Molly thought while texting someone.

  After discussing what our plan would be for the first scene to be shot. We decided that the garden should be the first choice. We still couldn't figure out which of us girls would be perfect for the role. Lilah didn't want to wear the dress and I'm to camera shy and we thought Molly would be the one, but she didn't want to be the star of the movie, then Maxy thought I should do it because I fit the characters profile.

I kept saying I didn't want to do it, but after Maxy getting me to calm down he persuaded me to do it. I sometimes think they are like the 3 musketeers because after I said that I would do it Lilah and Molly grabbed and yanked me upstairs to my room with dresses and makeup to get ready while being giddy little chickys.

When we were done with getting me ready for the scene I was dressed in a white knee length dress that was Lacey and small heels and my hair was curled and I was wearing a flower crown.

The girls were packing up stuff and said I could go a practice and try to keep my nerves in check

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The girls were packing up stuff and said I could go a practice and try to keep my nerves in check. I start to head to the garden while trying to breathe and calm down.


I'm sorry for this short chapter, but I promise the next chapter is going to be long but very exciting!!!!!!!!!

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