part 27

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Scarlett's Pov.

I wake up with Luka's arms around me and Franco's head on my stomach, Callisto on my right with Vladimir behind him. I look out the wall length window to see its early in the morning cause the sky is starting to light up. I stroke my fingers through Franco's hair which makes him groan and nuzzle into my stomach. Smiling I move up and little to sit up and gently move Franco off me and lay him near Callisto. I move Luka's arm off me and move down to the end of the bed.

As soon as I get one foot onto the ground I'm snatched backwards I close my eyes as I land on my back. I open one eye to see Luka looking down at me with a smirk and bed head. "Where do you think your going little girl?" , he say in a the most beautiful morning voice. I giggle softly "I was trying to go the bathroom I need to get ready" , I say as I lean up to kiss his lips.

I got up and went over to the bahtroom I go over to the counter turning the light on see myself in the mirror. My hair was a little messed up, I looked down on my neck to see hickeys starting to bruise. I grab my brush and start brushing my tangled hair, then brush my teeth. I do my business then get undressed and turn the shower on. getting in I stand under the water drenching my hair and body, I then pick up my body wash that is scented with vanilla and marccon scent. I then wash my hair with my coconut scented shampoo and conditioner.

Getting out I dry myself off and put some lotion on I wrap my towell on me again and go outside into the bedroom to see Callisto is awake and looking on his phone, while luka ia on the terrace smoking, Franco is still asleep while Vladimir is not in the room anymore. "where Vladimir?" , I ask out loud.

Callisto looks over to me and smirks "he's just outside the room little one" , he say as he sits up stretching and then coming over to me and kissing my lips then going to the bathroom. I blush as when he was doing that he's butt ass naked, I turn and go into the closet dropping my towel and looking for something to wear.

 I blush as when he was doing that he's butt ass naked, I turn and go into the closet dropping my towel and looking for something to wear

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I find clothes then put them on and exit the closet I see that Luka has come in and is watching tv, Franco is still asleep. I smile and go over to the side he's on and crawl onto him kissing his neck which makes him groan and latch his hands onto my thighs. "Now that a fine way to wake up" , he says into my neck kissing my ear I giggle sitting up to look down at him. "I know how much you don't like waking up late so I thought you might want to wake up this way" , I say tracing the tattoos on his chest.

He smirks Luka moves closer and leans up to kiss my cheek making me blush bright red. "Zeletse aren't you going to be late for your tour with Anna?" , I hear from behind me knowing it's Vladimir. "Yes I am and don't worry I'll be safe I think later on Alex will be with us" , I say kissing both men on the bed then going over to Vladimir and kiss his lips. I wave bye and go out into the hallway and try to find my way through this maze of a hallway.

I get to the end of the hallway and see I'm at the entrance of the house which is very beautiful. I remember Anna said wait there for her and Lilah, they said Alex was going to distract the guys so we could sneak to the room the dogs are in. I was walking down the right side of the hallway with Anna on my left "I don't know if Franco put guards by the door making sure no one opens the door and making sure the dogs dont sneak in" , Anna said looking to see around the corner if someone is at the door.

She looks worried as she turns back to face me "great he put two guards at the door, now we need a plan on how to get them to leave jsut for a second" , she says quietly and looks back I go to look as well and see two big men that looked bored out of their minds. I sigh quietly as I look around trying to come up with a plan, I stay crouched down under Anna.

"Maybe you guys should make them think Franco needs them then go inside" , Frnaco say behind both of us making me yelp and fall on my butt while Anna screams bloddy murder jumping down to hold onto me. I look up at him and freeze realizing he caught us in the act. I look behind him to see Alex and Lilah behind him looking guilty, "So why are you here little girl?" , he ask croutching down to pick me up while Lilah helps Anna up. I look down sighing "I wanted to over come this stupid fear of being around dogs, I mean it's so aggravating to know I can defend myslef with any weapon, but the minute I'm near a dog I freeze and faint. I have to be strong and I don't want you and our loves to worry over me" , I say looking him in the eyes once I finish seeing he is a littel upset and half smiling down at me.

"My sweet little pup if you wanted to do this why didn't you tell one of us about it we would've helped" , he asked pulling in his arms lifting my head by my chinf to look at him. Lilah laughs behind us "do you really think you four would've let her do this. that time we went to the beach you guys nearly had the entire place on lock down when she disappreared just for a few minutes" , she says maknig me grin thinking about that day.

Franco sighs "maybe you are right but I would try to understand. how about I help you and it's just somethign you and me do?" , he say in my ear making me shiver form his breath hitting the shell of my ear. I smile and nod "I also want my friends with us it'll make me fell more comfortable knowing I have more people with me" , I say kissing his cheek he nods.

I pull back and turn around to see the others looking everywhere else to give us a little privacy which makes me giggle. We all agree to go tot the room Franco is leading us to the room I'm behind him and Liah and Alex are behind us hholding hands while Anna is on my left holding my other hand. We make it to the door facing the two men that are guarding it.

"I've got it from here go train, but don't breathe a word to the others got it?", Franco says in a strict voice the men nod and walk away. Franco oepns the door going inside first keeping me behind him. I look around to see the room is big wiht two black leather couches in the cetain of the room. Behind them is very huge dog beds for them to sleep on, I look back at the couches and realize the two dogs are laying on them.

I freeze grabbing onto Anna who is right beside me she wraps an arm around me trying to comfort me. Franco is near the dogs petting them, he looks over at us and reaches his hand out for me to come closer. I take a breath in and reach out for his hand he smiles soflty and pulls me closer to him. "I'm right here baby girl I think we should start with Luna she is more calm, I'm afraid to let Hades be near you" , he whispers kissing my neck.

I nod keeping close to him as I turn to face Luna she looks up at us she looked calm. she looked down at my hand that was by my side she sniffs my hand making me shiver at feeling the breath. I almost yelped out loud when I felt her lick at my hand I looked down and saw she was already staring at me I guess I still have some courage left in me cause I raised my hand to pet the top of her head.

Her fur is short and soft as I keep running my hand on top of her head she put her ear down and whined quietly as well as wagging her tail. I smiled as she got closer and nuzzled into my leg "Are you alright baby girl?" , Franco asked also petting Luna I nod "yes I'm okay just happy I'm doing so well. I looked over to my left to see the others are watching. Alex was not with the girls I looked behind me to see he was sitting with Hades who was watching me with Luna.

"I had to sit with him he was about to come over there and jump on you, I'm happy you've over come your fear" , Alex said getting up going over to the door opening it leaving, Lilah smiled and said bye and left as well I looked over at Anne who was staying by the door she was on her phone smiling as she texted someone who I'm guessing is Molly.

"It's okay you can go to her Anna I've got this handle for now" , I say smiling as I keep petting Luna Anna giggles nodding as she leaves the room also. I look behind me to see Hades wagging his tail and looking a bit jealous, 'I guess I need to love one him' , I think to myself. I turn and start to walk over to him "baby girl are you sure you want to do this he will jump on you" , Franco says sounding a little bit worried.

I look up at him "it's okay i trust him he just wants to be loved on" , I say going over to Hades which made him even more happier. I raised my hand to pet his head what I didn't expect was him to jump on me and knock me down onto the floor with him on top of me. "Hades off now baby girl it's-" , he said but stop as he heard me laughing from being tickled from Hades licking me I got him to stop and held a hand out for Franco to grab which he did and pulled me close to him.

I smiled still laughing "I'm alright my love I think I'm going to be okay" , I say kissing his cheek he smiled and kissed my forehead "I'm so proud of you" , he whispered as we sat down and both dogs came to lye next to us.

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