Part 11

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Scarlett's pov.

Walking to my room my mind is clouded with what happened yesterday. And the offer they gave me, ' I still don't know if I would even be happy in a relationship like theirs.' I think to myself.


"So do you want to continue or should we stop my love" was the question that woke me up from my lust filled head space. I look at them with a deer in the headlights look, feeling slightly scared of what they would do. I heard one of them chuckle, but didn't know who did it do to my head being in Vladimir's chest now.

He pulled his suit jacket off and put it around me. I looked down at my body to see my dress was tore to shreds. I slowly looked up at him and notice that he and they rest of them were now in front of me looking at me. " don't force yourself, we forced a lot for you to digest at the moment, so how about you go and figure out what you would want" , Vladimir said while lifting me up and off the counter.

He pressed me to his body hugging me and not putting me down, also carrying me like a toddler again. I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder while he carried me up the stairs. I guess the others had followed because I could hear them talking to themselves quietly. I sigh snuggling in his shoulder, his smell is very calming he smells like cigarettes,  a very musky cologne, but not overbearing, and something that smells like metal. I chuckle in my head thinking of when he picked me up the first time and me trying to figure out his smell then to.

He stops making me raise my head to notice we're at my door. " I want you to rest and be with your friends they should be in here waiting for you. Plus I want you to change" , he adds in changing part quietly making me giggle. He looks at me and kisses my lips lightly then sits my down to ground opening the door for me all while staring me in the eyes.

I smile and turn to go into my room shutting the door behind me. I sigh leaning against it, I look up to see my friends all laying around the room. " wow you guys are doing so much to making this movie" I giggle while going to the closet to get some clothes so I can shower.

" woah missy shit of Jesus Christ I thought they kidnapped your ass, they wouldn't let any of us go up and be with you. They kept guards all through that side of the damn house like there was a serial killer on the loose" , Maxy rambles on. I shouldn't be giggling I'm mean he is cussing and he hates doing it.

I sigh heading back out of the closet " I'm sorry I just woke up and they took me to the kitchen and we talked, I promise I'm okay Maxy" , I say while hugging him and looking over at Lilah giving her a look saying 'please get him to leave'. She smirks walking over gripping his ear and I brush pasts them going to the shower.

——————————————————Maxy's pov.—————————————————————
(Still in flashback)

While getting dragged by my ear I thought I would get a drink and maybe try to cool down. ' god I hate when those two do that even Molly got the same treatment sometimes'  I thought to myself going to the kitchen.  I get to the door and look inside seeing four men and two of them look familiar.

I get nervous 'crap I didn't want to deal with them right now' I groan in my head. I try to be quiet but fail when one with a cigarette in his lips looks at me. " what do you need kid?" , he said while blowing smoke in my direction being very intimidating. " shit your that kid that called our baby girl sweet little puppy when she fainted" , one of he familiar ones said.

I nod " yeah did you have a doc look at her?" , I ask wondering if she hurt herself. The one hat caught her nods " he said that she will be fine and is a little dehydrated probably from flying" ,he says while getting up and coming over to shake my hand.

" I'm Callisto that is Franco and those two are Vladimir and Luka, we actually have a few questions if you don't mind?" , he asks going back to his seat. I nod and go to sit in a seat kinda away from them but not to far.

" why did she faint and is she ill, and how do you know her?" , Franco asked. ' god she is going to hate me saying this to them' I say to myself. I sigh " she is deathly afraid of dogs I never understood where she got the fear from. I met her when we were in the pre-school we were playing outside and the school was near some homes which of course had dogs and one would always come to the playground and play with the kids. The day I met her was when she was playing in the sandbox and the dog came over to her and wanted to play, but of course she was terrified of dogs. She got scared screamed and ran away from the dog but they dog thought she wanted it to chase her and did it. She ran to me since I was closer to her and hide behind me, I saw the dog coming and shooed him away and turned to comfort her. Few days later we were playing together I came up with it and she hated it at first, but now she kinda likes it." I say while watching their facial expressions.

Callisto looked annoyed and Franco was hiding a smile trying not to laugh. I got confused, " sorry I just thought it was funny because when we were little Callisto always looked like a mean ass dog" , Franco chuckled.

" I do have one request since I know that you guys are interested in her, please don't hurt her she's never had a relationship and she is shy with new people in her life" , I jumble out shocked I even could ask them that.

They all smirked " don't worry we wouldn't dream of hurting her never in a million years" , Luka said while drinking a glass of alcoholic drink. I nod and get up  and leave feeling much better.

—————————————————-lilah's pov.——————————————————————
(Still in flashback)

After getting hem out of her room I headed to the gym, I need to loosen up my muscles I hate flying as made me feel stiff. I get there and start getting ready and play some music I chose Ciara - dance like we're making love. I wrap my hands and head over to the punching bag and start punching it and try to follow the beat to the music.

I keep punching till I hear something behind me and I stay where I am and wait for them to come near me. I feel a presence and swing my leg to their gut, it gets caught by a strong hand and holds my calf in their hands. I look up at the face to see it's one of the men that was with scar. " your one skilled person no one usually hears me come in" , Luka says while letting go of my leg.

" well I'm not most people, had fun messing with my friend mobster?" , I question him smirking. He smirks " so you know what we do, how though not many women join the mob because they want the luxury so they just marry into it?" He asks.

" I'm not part of your lifestyle, I just know because my dad is military and he tries to know who is friend or foe" , I say while unwrapping my hands. I look behind him to see Vladimir and the other two. I sigh " is there something you need from me I'm sure you already know who I am with a background check you do on anyone who comes in your home" , I say and sit on a bench. " we have a offer for you and your friends just that you are the first one we are asking, we want you and your friends to join our family to stay with your girl Scarlett. We think your a very good asset since your trained how to protect and kill if necessary, we want you to be our angels bodyguard and we would pay you and you would have our trust" , Callisto says while sitting in front of me looking me in the eyes with a stern expression.

My only thought was 'shit fucking hell'

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