Part 19

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Vladimir's pov.

After she said yes daddy I tensed and looked down at her seeing she was fast asleep. ' I swear this little girl is going to be the death of me' I think to my self. I watch her for a little bit ignoring the conversation the others are having. My eye jump a bit when I see Lucy's hand start rubbing Scarlett's back and go down to my hand that at the small of her back patting it. " I should've realized she would be tired from filming and dealing with you four, go take her to your room let her rest" , Lucy's says getting up and moving over to all of us kissing our cheeks and actually kissing Scarlett's head.

I smile when she turns her back and go to the door turning to smile and say goodbye. She we bye also and she leaves with Dominic. " babe let's take her to bed when Annabelle texted she was taking a bath to relax then take a nap" , Luka says picking up Scarlett's phone going to the door with Callisto and Franco behind him.

I gently get up and hold her on my hip since she loves being held like a toddler. We go to Callisto's room, I gently put her onto the bed and start taking her clothes off so she can be comfy. As I turn to find a shirt for her to ear I hear her waking up. I turn around and come back to the bed as she sits up, I put a black shirt on her that is probably Luka's or Franco's. She stretches as I lift her arms " I'm so sorry I fell asleep was you mother upset that I passed out?" , she ask Callisto turning to get in his lap and make room for me. I get on the bed and Franco lays his head on my lap which makes me run my fingers through his fingers.

" no baby girl she wasn't she got upset at herself for not realizing you would tired since you've been busy filming, she was the one who told us to take you to bed. While coming here she texted me saying she wants to have a shopping trip with you and your friends to get to know you better" , Callisto says moving her hair to the side kissing her neck making her shiver. Luka kisses her thighs as he snuggles in her lap.

She pouts looking down messing with her fingers " still I hate that her first impression of me is one of me being a lazy girl literally falling asleep when I'm getting cuddle by my husband" , she says then blushes bright red when she realizes what she had said at the end.

I chuckle " so is that what you think of us my darling kukolka (little doll in Russian)" , I say moving to nibble her ear. She whimpers and reaches out to grip my shoulder. I chuckle vibrating her ear making her moan. I smirk " maybe we should should what e would do to our wife my love" , I say looking into Callisto's eyes seeing that he wants to help me as well. I feel Franco move over to get closer to Scarlett.



(3rd pov.)

As Franco moved closer to Scarlett Luka did the same lifting the shirt that Vladimir put on only seconds ago. She closed her eyes feeling their hands all over her body, she thought in her head if she should tell them to stop, having second thoughts thinking it was to soon for them to do this all together Vladimir was he man who took her virginity.

Though in the beck of her mind she had wanted this for a while ever since that time in the kitchen when they first did something to her. She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt herself being laid on the bed by Callisto. He was on the right side of her upper body while Vladimir was on the left side of her upper body both looking down at her with dominance and a primal lust. She felt hands on her left two different pairs, she looked down and saw that Luka and Franco were gently pulling her legs apart wide enough for both to look at black lacy panties.

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