Part 16

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Maxy's Pov.

         After Scarlett left to go relax for a bit, I stayed with the others for a while. I saw that Molly and Annabelle were getting cuddly and I took that as a sign that I should leave. I sighed as I shut the door and went to the movie room and decided to be alone for a while. I got to the room and went to sit in the front row, I messed with the tablet and found the movie warm bodies to watch.

         Halfway through the movie I heard someone open the door, I turned my head and looked at the door and saw it was a guy that was probably a part of Callisto's men. He looked at the front row and saw me " I guess you're one of those kids from the Academy, my name is Spencer" , he said, coming to the front row so he and I could see each other better.

        I looked at him as I stood up from my seat to greet him. " my name is Max, my friends call me Maxy either is fine. And yes I am one of the kids from there" , i say while shaking his hand. Thats one thing i will alwasy thank Scarlett's dad for he taught me how to br a gentlemen to everyone and how to greet people, he taught me how to be a man and didnt care that i was gay. Her mom also taught me things like better hygiene and beauty tips.

       He smiles a little bit "good sorry if I scared you, just security is getting more tight around here since your friend is now our queen", he said scratching the back of his neck. I smile 'oh scar's going to love knowing that's what they are calling her' i think to myself. " I could understand that, but it's just me in here" , I say while sitting back down in my seat.

     He smirks and sits down as well " so do you like this movie or is it the only thing good to watch?' , he ask while sitting down in the seat next to me.For an hour we just talked about random things and actually watched a show that we both thought would be good.



Vladimir's Pov.

         After I was woken up by our little girl we went back to bed. She of course was laying on my chest, to be honest I think this is going to be her spot from now on. Beside us was Callisto then laying on him was Luka. Franco was sleeping between Callisto and I.

       For some reason i was the only one up at the moment, right now im currently out on the terrace, it's 5 in the morning. After Scarlett went back to sleep she moved to sleep on Callisto's chest cuddling up to Luka. After she moved i couldn't sleep and I didnt have the heart to take her from Callisto and Luka.

       Now im sitting here trying to get my mind to shut off. Sighing i blow the smoke out of my mouth and take one last puff from my cigarette. I then throw it over the terrace, "those things are going to kill you, you know" , scarlett's voice sounded from the door making turn and smile at her as she is rubbing her sleepy eyes

       I raise my hand "come here little girl" , i say she comes closer and i see she is still wearing my button up from today. She stands in front of me putting her hand into mine. I gently pull her into my lap and start littering her neck with wet kisses making her a moaning mess.

       Smirking I run my tongue on the shell of her ear going to the top, I could feel her body trembling as I do this. " can I take this further zolotse?" , I whisper in her ear tugging on her earring gently. She whimpers and shivers as she nods gripping onto my shoulders she nods " yes daddy" , she whispers.

       I smile knowing she's learning to give me verbal responses. My hands come up to her breast where the buttons are and slowly undo them watching her face turn bright red from watching my hands. I looked down at her body and to my surprise she only wearing your shirt and nothing else.

     I hear her giggling which makes me look back at her face to see her smirking. " your not the only one that was wanting to have fun daddy" , she says in a sultry voice. She gets onto the floor on her knees looking up at me with puppy eyes. I smirk watching her, she puts her hands on my knees slowly sliding them to my crotch. She brings her head closer, while her hands go to the top of my sweats pulling them down to only show my dick and balls.

     She brings her lips close to my tip sticking her tongue out licking it lightly. I groan bringing my hands into her hair. She wraps her lips around my tip going down all the way to the base of my cock making me groan and she moans vibrating on my cock.

     " you know your safe words and know what to do when taking cock in your mouth little girl" , I ask she nods and hums yes knowing it teases me. I smirk and hold onto ur head with both hands as gently as I can. I buck my hips up making my dick go deeper in her mouth making her gag and hold onto my thighs and an anchor.

      I keep ramming my cock in her mouth, her saliva spilling out from the corners of her mouth. I smirk and move my hand down scooping some of it from her chin bringing it to my mouth licking it knowing she is watching.

     I smirk feeling my self wanting to cum, I quicken my pace giving 3 thrusts before I bust into her mouth. My cock was all the way in her mouth making my cum go down her throat easily.

      I let go of her head and let her pull her head back, as she does strings of spit stick to her tongue and my cock, making me hard as hell. She looks at me showing her mouth to me showing that she swallowed all my cum.

   "Good girl" , I say reaching down and pulling her to my lap helping her wipe her mouth clean. "Daddy I'm super wet I need you to help me fix it" , she whispers into my ear grinding her wet pussy onto my cock.

      She moans as my cock slides between her lips. " are you sure you want to do this pup we can stop right now" , I whisper to her pulling her face to mine looking into her lustful eyes. " I want it daddy please" , she mumbles biting her lip still grinding onto my cock.

       As soon as she says that I pull my hips back making my cocks tip go near her entrance, I slip all my cock into her hole, she moans and grips my shoulders. She then lowers her head biting into my shoulder trying to quiet herself.

——————————————————-Scarlett's pov.———————————————————

      As soon as he thrusted his cock into my pussy I felt so full just from his tip. I moan and bite his shoulder as he thrusted all of his dick into me. He then keeps going in and out of me. I whimper and grind back and forth as he starts thrusting faster into me.

      " your being such a good little puppy taking daddy's cock" , he says in a teasing voice as he reaches his hand to my clit rubbing it.  I scream into his shoulder, I move my butt up and down trying to match his pace as I chase my high wanting to cum.

       He smirks and rubs faster on my clit, I feel a burning feeling in my tummy and grip his shoulders " I'm cumming daddy!" , I scream into his shoulder as I cum squirting on his cock. As I came I tightened on his cock making him groan. He smacked my ass "I'm gonna cum baby girl can I cum into your pussy I wanna claim you my love" , he asks.

      " please daddy cum inside me I wanna be filled with daddy's seed" , I say kissing his lips sticking my tongue into his mouth. We both kissed as he thrusted 5 times then came inside me filling me with his seed.

      I gasped as he pulled out letting his seed spill out of me. He starts petting my head and back. " let's get you cleaned up my love" , he said as he fixed himself back into his pants and getting up going back into the room.

       What I didn't see since my eyes were closed was that Luka and Franco were awake and say us come back in and Luka took me from Vlad bringing me into the bathroom. As he did I fell asleep feeling exhausted.

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