Part 17

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Scarlett's pov.

" I think we should do the scene over here not over there" , Molly snaps at Maxy as the blows at her hair. Currently we are at the private beach that Callisto's family owns, we are filming a few scenes that are meant to be at the beach. It's very beautiful, very peaceful though the only thing making it horrible is those two barking at each other about the scenes we are trying to do.

They haven't been agreeing with each other the whole time we've been here. Lilah and I have been laying around soaking up some sun. Though we haven't been alone, I couldn't leave the house with the boys.

Luka and Callisto are with us, Vlad and Franco are busy with business problems. I told them Lilah was going to be enough protection, but they didn't agree and said they would accompany us. I'm currently on Lukas lap while he's playing with my hair kiss my neck.

Callisto is right beside us in another beach chair talking with Lilah about something. Sighing I look behind me at Luka " do you think I should stop them, it's been a good few hours and I would like to get this done and take a nap" , I whisper kissing his lips lightly.

He smiles and looks at them " maybe or could just stay here my love, sleep on me or Callisto" , he says catching Callisto's attention. I smile and raise my hand to rub my thumb over his lips before I kiss him. " yes I could do that, but I want to maybe nap with all of you instead" , I get close to him and whisper in his ear.

I get up before he could say anything else and head to Molly and Maxy " ok guys how about we cut this short for today we already got enough shots it's getting late and I would like to rest" , I say looking between the two, they nod and we start packing our stuff up.

As I'm taking some of the clothes back to the car I notice a guy walking around near the cars that I don't know and he doesn't look like he works for Callisto or Vladimir. He comes to me and smirks " hey beautiful do you need help looks pretty heavy for a little thing like you?" , he says as he gets a little to close for my comfort.

" no thank you I'm perfectly fine goodbye" , I say as I put the clothes in the trunk on f the car and start heading back to they other. He frowns a bit and starts to follow me " do you know who I am surely you wouldn't want to make me angry" , he says getting in front of me.

I look at him and sigh " look frankly I don't give a rats ass who you are I'm tired and don't want to deal with idiots" , I snap moving around him, he growls and snatches me wrist in his hand pulling me to his body.

He smirks " princess maybe I should show you what happens when you disrespect me" , he says lowly. I frown and put my fingers in my mouth whistling to get Lilah's attention. I try getting away from him by smacking at him and smashing my heeled foot onto his.

" hey dipshit might want to let go of her or my boss and I will have to make you" , I hear Lilah yell. I turn to look at her and see Callisto and Luka are with her as well as Maxy and Molly. I turn my eyes to Callisto and see his eye looks like they want to murder this guy.

I feel the guys tremble as he back away from me " I'm sorry I didn't realize she belonged to you" , he said then ran away falling in the process then getting up and running again. I sigh going over to Callisto hugging him as knowing this will calm him down.

" now you know y I didn't want to bring you out" , Luka says while kissing my head. I smirk knowing he would say that.

——————————skip to getting back to the house——————————————————

Vladimir's pov.

" sir we got the information about young Ms. Moretti" , Lilah said I nodded and looked over the file she handed me. " so do I need to be watching Scarlett more?" , she asked picking at her nails. I sighed " maybe things are going to be getting a little troublesome this coming month, just watch your surroundings" , I say looking into her eyes.

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