Part 24

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Scarlett's pov.

This whole chapter is smut and is not for the people who don't like it so if you don't like this kind of stuff you can skip this chapter you won't miss anything.

I wake up feeling hot and smothered which Makes me wake up I look over at Callisto's who has me tucked into his side and I feel breathing between my breast I look down to see Vladimir fast asleep nuzzling into my boobs. I smile and laugh in my head at how cute he looks.

I sigh knowing it's going to be hell trying to get out of this bed with out waking them up. I look over behind Vladimir and see Franco and Luca are cuddling each other. I looked at Callisto and see he's fast asleep with his wrapped around me. I gently pull his arm off and lift my self off the bed and quietly crawl out of the bed and sit on the edge of the bed smiling that I actually got out of the bed.

I look behind me to see they are still asleep ' they need to sleep a little more After they day we all had. When we lied down to sleep they cuddle around me and kept apologizing and getting upset at themselves for what happened I told them that I'm ok and nothing happened' , I think to myself. I get off the bed and head to the bathroom and go inside closing the door not locking it case they wake up and think I'm gone.

I turn the light on and look myself over in the mirror to see my neck still has some hickeys from them apologizing they kept kissing and loving on me which made me feel even more loved.  I shook my head and turned the facet on to wash my face and to wake myself up more. ' can't believe where I am today, when I told my parents that I met someone or well I get four men they were a little hesitant, but after I told them how they are with me my mother thought it was so cute and romantic my dad just liked that they are decent people' , I think to myself as I wash the face wash off my face.

I brush my hair and teeth then decide I should pack them up since we are leaving today. I do that and decide I should probably take a shower as well. I go back out to the bedroom and see that Luca and Callisto are waking up, I stopp and watch from the bathroom door Callisto looks to where I was sleeping and shoots up more realizing I'm not there he looks over at Luca and Franco to see I'm not there either. "Luca where Scarlett she isn't in the bed ?" , he say waking the others which makes me blush " I'm right here it's okay" , I say going over to him he turns his head to me as I jump onto the end of the bed and crawl on Vladimir who grips my hips when I stop to sit on his crotch.

Callisto smiles and kisses my head " why didn't you wake us up love?" , he questions as he snakes his arms around my waist and places kisses on my neck. Vladimir sits up in bed and pulls me into his lap more and kisses the other side of my neck. Franco comes over and starts kissing my left shoulder also kissing Vladimir as well. Luca goes to my right shoulder with Callisto. I moan and grab onto Vladimir's shoulder then move it up to pull on his long hair which makes him groan.

My other hand goes to Luca and cups his neck I start leaning back onto him and Franco. "Cause I know I wouldn't be able to leave the bed if I did wake you four up" , I whine up when Franco bite gently on my ear. They all chuckles knowing that I'm right I start grinding my hips on Vladimir's lap wanting some type of friction down there.

I feel hands go down there moving the shirt I'm wearing away then realizes I'm not wearing panties." Baby girl your really wanting to tease us hm?" , Luca groans out as his hand hovers over my clit then suddenly attacks my clit with gently teasing movements which make me moan out and shut my eyes tight and let my head fall on Franco's shoulder where he kiss my nose then kisses my lips licking them wanting to stick his tongue in.

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