part 30

830 11 7

(Sorry I toke so long after making the characters info I had writers black and couldn't think then the holidays came and had a full house for a month which made me go nuts. I made this chapter long so I hope that enough for taking so long and thank you guys for reading and making comments and voting mostly for everything your doing I never imagines this book would get so many views so thank you so very much.

                                                                                                                 Hope you enjoy
                                                                                                                 love the writer.

The Next Day

Scarlett's Pov.

It's 1:00 in the afternoon ND I'm still in bed, after Vlad told us the news he recently found out Callisto left and ddin't come back. Luka told me he is going to other side of the mountain I am worried about him I know we haven't been togehter long, but I do love them and it will alwasy worry me when one of them goes off on their own. 'Can't stay in bed forever, maybe Maxy can help' I think as I get up and go over to my side int he closet and put some sandals on.

I grab my phone and whistle for Hades to follow since he's always with me now. Going down the hall with Hades on my right side always guarding me,  a few men that work for the guys walk by and bow this heads at seeing me ever since dating them their men treat me as their leader as well or more like what Molly 'their queen' as she puts it.  I'm not used to it and have tried to tell them not to but Vlad said that I need to let them learn I'm their boss as much as they are.

Getting to Maxy's room I knock on the door waiting I scratch behind hades ear, the door opens showing someone who isn't Maxy I stand awkwardly. He smile and goes down the hall opposite of the one I came from I look back into the room to see Maxy putting a shirt on I clear my throat and he looks at me and blush deep red. "What do expect all these men walking that I wouldn't dip into the pond and snatch a koi fish to play with" , he says as I come onto the room and hades goes to lay on the couch and I follow but sit on a different couch.

"You won't hear nothing out of me, look at me I'm the one who fell for four men who rule the biggest mafias in the world", I say biting my lip look at my fingers that look very interesting all of a sudden. Maxy comes over to me and sits besdie me " so what brings you over to my domain my precious little puppy" , he says looking at me. I sigh ruffling my hair "so you know what happened last night after mine and Callistos date right?", I nod looking Maxy in the eye he nods.

"Well I'm worried about him plus the others have been busy I don't think Vlad or Franco came to bed last night, now that I think Luka left half way in the night then came back to bed. I'm so frazzled I don't know what to think I also what to help, but don't know how to help" , I grumble leaning my head on his shoulder.

He chuckles "you are thinking way to much about this for one, you need to just ask Vlad how you can help and I'm sure he will tell how you can help. now let's talk about you next date that your having tonight with Vladimir" , he says making me jump " oh my god I almost forgot about that I don't know if i even can do that tonight, do you think I should cancel I don't the boys thinking I'm selfish wanting these dates to continue" , I ask getting up and start pacing back and forth.

He smirks and laughs a little "I can't believe you forgot, and no you are not skipping this. Plus I've been informed to keep you from thinking about canceling these dates", he mumble the last bit looking away from my direction making me stop and look at him. "What do you mean keep me from canceling Maxy boy", I say coming closer slowly arms folded.

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