Ch.1: Roland

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The somber place known as the library remained still like a fragment stuck in time, unable to progress forward unlike the world surrounding it. Trapped in its own bubble brought forth by the AI who defected from her duties, the air was still and unwelcoming to all who would dare to step inside, not like it would happen considering all normal access were not present.

Yet, with even this fact being solidified unlike the volatile state of this wavering illusion, an anomaly broke that mere thought. The calm ambiance was shattered by the arrival of smoke, filling the entrance with its presence.

Trying to fight against the intruder, the inside of the library merely shoved the smoke down to the ground and kept it chained to its position like a disobedient animal. Ignoring that duel between the both of them, a man recovered his composure and grumbled, muttering a few words under his breath.

???: Damn it... the Purple Tear.

The one who broke the belief that this construction that seemed to be nothing more than a mirage was impenetrable took a moment to take a breath of air and looked at his surroundings, taking in the view. The golden light that seemed to shine around with books neatly placed in rows of bookshelves was leaving him speechless for a moment.

Not a sight that he could see often in his life, or anyone's he thought to himself. Yet at the same time, he could tell that something was off, this place was not as warm as the light shining within would like to make him believe.

???: ...Guess I'll have to trust her.

Just as he heaved his new breath, his train of thoughts was interrupted by the loud noise of a finger snap, echoing through the dead place. Taken aback by the odd sound for a moment, the man witnessed in front of him a woman covered in a dress of feathers appear out of thin air.

She was not pleased by his presence, not in the slightest. The glare she showed was enough to make him focus. His body was telling him that he was in danger just by being near her.

Angela: I'll only say this once. I despise verbose and roundabout speech that doesn't get straight to the point. So don't get wordy and just answer my questions. You don't get to question me either. Where did you come from, how did you enter this place, and for what purpose?

The way she quickly spoke was enough to prove her point, not letting him interrupt. However, she finally dropped her relentless assault and merely switched back to her silent glare, expecting him to answer instantly.

???: Woah, who even are-

Squinting her eyes the moment the word "who" came out of his mouth, the AI riposted.

???: AAHH!! My leg!!

Just like that, the first punishment struck the man.

Angela: I warned you and you crossed the line. Let me ask you one more time. Where did you come from, how did you enter this place, and for what purpose?

With pain soaring through his mind, he knew that she wasn't messing around. He gritted his teeth and endured the agony that his nerves were putting him through, forcing himself to speak.

???: ...I was just walking around, and ended up here before I even realized it. I have no idea how I got here. Dammit, blood's gushing out of my right leg... I swear I wasn't trying to trespass, I don't even know where this is.

The one with pale hair merely gave him a frown, forcing him to continue.

???: I woke up around 1 PM and started walking around the streets of District 13. Since I was just out and about, I figured I could go wherever I wanted, so I decided to drop by HamHamPangPang. Heard they served a weekly special sandwich. Anyway, I had no bills to pay, got no jobs, had to make a living somehow as a one-man Offi-

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