Ch.43: Floor of Natural Sciences

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Tap tap tap tap

The only sound that could be heard echoing across the Library's hall was the solemn sound of footsteps. Each noise was quickly followed by a second one, only for the cycle to repeat.

Standing side by side, both of Angela's assistants could be seen walking in complete silence. No one else except them could be seen as far as the eyes could see and this fact remained until they reached the stairs leading further up into the building.

A quick glance was exchanged briefly before the duo went upward.

...This was a process they were slowly getting used to, this wasn't their first time doing this after all.

What brought the both of them here was a rather simple reason: a new floor was soon going to be opened. Angela calmly warned them as she finished what was possibly be her 200th... or 300th, hell, maybe more, Y/N didn't want to bother focusing his energy on what she was doing for obvious reasons.

As for Roland, he had much more important decisions to ponder on than to think about the numbers of books the director had read until now.

After what felt like at the very least a dozen of minutes cursing the amount of stairs needed to climb in order to reach the newest "top" floor, the AI's helpers arrived at the end, immediately greeted with a sight filled with gold.

The main room on the other side was completely yellow, rows of books were placed inside the walls from top to bottom and the entirety of it was illuminated by a singular, massive window that allowed a blinding light to enter.

Its source was completely unknown. However, with the many seats and desks placed nearby, it would give anyone who sat down the impression that the sun itself was beaming down on them. If they could ignore the constant annoyance, it could make for a good reading place.

The Grade 9 Fixer observed his surroundings alongside the former captain and let out his thoughts.

Roland: Floor of Natural Sciences, huh. That's the fifth floor we're opening. Its Patron Librarian is Tiphereth... What's up with all these weird names?

His questions flew into the air, soon met with a look from the ex-employee that quietly told him "get used to it, it doesn't get better".

A bead of sweat formed on his face as he cleared his throat. He then raised his voice and called for said Patron Librarian, ignoring the gaze of the second assistant lowering to what was in front of him.

Roland: Hello! Tiphereth~! Are you there~!!

Tiphereth: Shut it!

His smile immediately collapsed as a fist was sent into his face. The sudden strike left him without a breath for a second and as he leaned forward, he finally noticed the presence of the small girl with blond hair standing in front of him.

She glared at him.

Tiphereth: I'm standing right in front of you. Where do you think you're looking?

She crossed her arms right as Y/N let out a faint laugh. He then took a step closer as he continued the conversation.

Y/N: Haha, glad to see that you still remain the same. Though, please go easy on Roland, at least for now.

His request was met with a gaze coming from the small girl that did not hide her relief. She placed herself right in front of him and looked at his face. She then wrapped her arms around his body, leaving the agent to pat her shoulder in response.

Tiphereth: It's nice to see you again Y/N...

Y/N: Me too Tiphereth. It's nice to see you again.

Compared to the days they spent within the Lobotomy Corporation facility, the height difference between the both of them was something completely new and also unfamiliar. However, as the former captain of the Central Command team, the man was nonetheless happy to see the Sephirah he worked for.

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