Ch.17: Forsaken Murderer

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The first thing that greeted the Sephirah of the Information team and his temporary helper was the oppressive atmosphere surrounding them, acting like a vicious snake attempting to strangle them. They were not welcomed and that fact was hammered into them before they could even take a single step.

All around them, the smell of alcohol used to decontaminate surfaces lingered around, immediately assaulting their noses. The walls and the floor they were standing on were dilapidated, the windows were covered with wooden board that allowed a peek of sunlight between them and many furnitures that have lost their purpose were scattered around.

The duo were circled by a desolated graveyard, a shadow of what this building once was. In the middle, as if waiting for them, was their target: a man trapped inside a straight jacket, his head was turned into a metallic hammerhead that lightly moved along with his breathing.

Y/N: ...

Seeing the Abnormality currently in front of him, the puppet controlled by his master's desires took a deep breath and tried to remember how they suppressed him back in Lobotomy Corp. Of course, their lack of good equipement made it more complicated but with the both of them against it, he believed in their chances.

Yesod: ...I did not want to face it again.

The Sephirah mumbled to himself as he frowned, wielding a kitchen knife in his hands. The white outfit that he was wearing almost made him look like a doctor, at least if one were to look at him from a good distance.

A moment of silence followed his suffocated words. Both sides were observing the opposing force, looking for any movements that would indicate an attack.

Their objective was simple: successfully suppress the Abnormality lurking in this pocket world and rescue the trapped librarian. Sadly, things are often easier said than done and this case was not an exception.

Y/N: Let's proceed with caution, don't let him catch you by surprise.

His words stated the obvious but it was better for him to mutter known information than to see yet another loss because of a lack of communication. Malkuth paid the price of that once, he wasn't about to lower his guard.

With nothing else to comment on, the first scene followed, indicated by a snap of fingers that was completely silent in the ears of the librarians. Sensing the hostile intentions, Forsaken Murderer charged at them.

Despite his jacket restraining him, his actions were akin to someone running at their peak, his binds were completely ineffective. The first clash to occur was between the Patron librarian and the patient. The small knife savagely tore through the air between them and aimed directly for the arms of its target. In response, the panting man blocked the slash with his metallic head, sending the man with purple hair backward.

Now exposed, the recently awakened librarian was met with a powerful strike from the enemy he was facing. His hardened head landed on the arm Yesod was using to wield his weapon, swiftly disarming him. The fews sounds of metal bouncing against the floor felt like a bomb about to go off in the ears of the now unarmed man as he realized that he had no way to retaliate.

The entity held back by binds raised his head for the second time but was firmly stopped by a force that sent him flying into the nearby wall. Where the librarians' opponent once stood, a movable bed was now present, pushed by Angela's assistant.

Y/N: ...I honestly didn't expect it to work.

He let out a few words of surprise and hurriedly grabbed the short blade laying on the floor next to him before tossing it in the Patron librarian's direction. The melee weapon spun around in the air and landed next to a dusty table close to the Viper, allowing its owner to grab it with a frown on his face.

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