Ch.2: Last Preparations Before the First Guests

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Sitting in a room by himself, the one known as Y/N was leaning against his seat and looking above his head, observing the golden cosmos and shimmering stars. The brilliant light above him was forming a nice spectacle with golden pages flying around like feathers. Not saying a single word, he remained still until the echoes of distant footsteps made its way to him.

Finally, he turned his gaze away from the ceiling and greeted the visitor with a silent face, which in turn quickly changed to a smile once he recognized the black suit of the man who stepped inside the Library unannounced.

Y/N: Hey Roland, you need something?

He kindly asked him that question and received an awkward smile from the guest, who took a seat next to him.

Roland: Am I interrupting something?

Y/N: Oh no, not in the slightest, I'm just wasting my time here.

The problem with being trapped in a location, despite looking gorgeous, is that once you have explored every nook & cranny of it, there was nothing else to do. That was when the true horror would begin, fighting boredom with nothing available except reading books or stare at walls.

In a way, he was glad that Roland broke that depressing cycle of his, even if just temporarily, though he did not have the same feelings when he learned what Angela did to him. Looking back at the dispute they both had following that, he sighed to himself and returned his attention to the man in the room with him.

Y/N: She's not going too rough on you?

Roland: Hm? You mean miss head librarian?

Y/N: ...That's what she's forcing you to call her or you chose that on your own?

Roland: ...

A quiet movement of his eyes was the only thing that followed the question. Pinching the bridge of his nose, the assistant librarian mumbled to himself in a low voice, low enough that the Fixer facing him couldn't hear what he was saying. Curious about it, he opened his mouth to ask the ex-employee but was quickly interrupted by a finger snap echoing around them.

Standing in the entrance of the room was the short haired AI, a book in hand and her golden eyes staring at the both of them. Upon recognizing her figure, Roland immediately closed his mouth, knowing that the one next to him would be in a bad mood for a good while.

Y/N: What do you want?

Just as predicted, his previously good mood rapidly turned sour. It wasn't hard to predict that reaction considering that each interactions between the both of them ended the same. Thankfully, it didn't escalate further than that.

Angela: Everything should be prepared soon enough. I am simply warning the both of you.

Y/N: ...I see.

A form of regret clouded his vision. The one forced in the role of her assistant lowered his eyes to the floor. Roland, on the other hand, looked back at the woman who tore his body apart, only to give him a new one afterwards.

Roland: Are you sure that you aren't putting too much faith in me? I'm just a Fixer at the bottom of the barrel.

Angela: I am certain with my choice.

She sighed in annoyance, forced to repeat her answer yet again to him. She didn't like repeating herself, it reminded her too much of that place, that prison that she was locked in.

Slowly, the ex-agent raised his hand in the air.

Angela: No, I am not changing my mind, I won't allow you to confront the guests.

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