Crack of Ruina #2: Pandora's Box

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(There it is, the second episode of my favorite show called "What the fuck is wrong with my brain?". The series that nobody wanted to see nor read. My sleep is fucked and no matter what I do, it doesn't get any better.)

Angela: ...

Silently, the AI in charge of the Library turned the page of the book she was reading. The air around her was serene and devoid of any disturbance. Completely on her own, she could focus her entire mind on the object she was holding. Her cold eyes moved from line to line, scanning everything as she let out a calm sigh.

She finally had a moment to herself between dealing with the librarians working for her and the guests that kept appearing. Now-

Y/N: Aaaaangela!

Angela: ...

The machine sitting down became fully stiff upon hearing a familiar voice. Her gaze moved to the entrance and soon enough, a librarian she knew very well emerged, arboring the smuggest look one could ever have and with their hands hidden behind their back.

The man known as Y/N leaned against the doorway, flashing the director with an expression that pissed her off.

Y/N: What are you doinnnng?

Angela: Trying to find a way to coerce you into marrying me, I'll find something eventually.

Y/N: Ha, good luck with that, not even the Light of possibilities can offer you a future with me.

The woman pinched the bridge of her artificial nose, trying her hardest to not look irritated. She knew that it was his goal and she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of taunting her.

Angela: What do you want?

Y/N: Oh right, almost forgot!

Remembering that he was there for a reason, the librarian in front of her pulled out from behind him a small box with an odd design. The edges of the wooden cube were curved and golden lines were present on all sides. The lid proudly revealed a small cross on top, used to open it.

Y/N: Tada! I made this with a little bit of Light and maaaaagic!

Angela: ...What is this?

She slowly stood up from her seat and walked closer, taking a better look at Y/N's creation. The appearance was completely unknown to her. Plus, considering the ex-employee's broken memory, it was easy for her to assume that it wasn't something that he pulled from his past.

Y/N: I don't know, I tried to pratice controlling the Light and this appeared. Maybe it's like Pandora's box?

Angela: You can't remember where you lived but you can remember a tale like Pandora's box?

Y/N: Hey, I didn't get to choose which memories I lost, don't judge me.

A second of silence passed.

Y/N: Wait, you know about the tale of Pandora's box?

Angela: I've gone through thousands of cycles, did you really think I wouldn't hear about it from the hundreds of employees trapped in that facility?

Y/N: Touché. So, what do we do about this thing?

The duo lowered their gaze towards the odd item. Now that the both of them brought up the horrible story of the cursed box, tension could be felt around them.

Y/N: ...

Angela: ...

Y/N: You open it.

Angela: I'm not touching that thing.

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