Ch.7: Bloodbath

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Today, just like yesterday and the one before that, a certain trio of librarians were resting in the same room together. One of them was counting the seconds away with a bored look glimmering in his eyes. Standing near him was a man with short black hair and an outfit of the same color, who calmly stretched his limbs. In the back, the woman in charge of the Library was content with observing the both of them, a book in hand.

Roland: Here we go, much better~

Y/N: Try not to strain your muscles.

Finally coming back to reality, the one dozing off aimed his gaze at Roland.

Roland: I'm still not fully used to fighting, not my best style of work. This new body seems much more used for receptions.

After cracking his knuckles, the Fixer turned his eyes towards Angela.

Roland: At least I'm doing job, right ma'am?

The creator of this wavering illusion closed the book she was carrying and stood up from her seat.

Angela: You seem be doing your job well, surprising considering how much you complained.

A drop of sweat fell down the man's face after hearing her words.

Roland: What did you expect after greeting me in such a violent way? Hell, even I was surprised. I find myself in the middle of nowhere and the first person I meet blows off my limbs.

Angela: But you still did the job I gave you.

A second bead of sweat formed on his face.

Roland: ...I still have a complaint.

Angela: Complaint?

Immediately after hearing that word, her voice became harsh to the one she tore into pieces a few days ago. The air around froze, as if caught in an endless blizzard.

Roland: Again with that stare. Man, I can't say anything.

Y/N: How about you let him talk first?

The librarian that was mostly silent until now, quick on the uptake, sided with the poor man getting glared at. His reason was a muddy mix between anger towards Angela and a kindness he often tried to express when he was trapped underground, now mostly worthless in this prison.

Angela: Fine.

As soon as he argued, she conceded, something that left both men silent for a moment. Both were expecting her to stand her grounds but the opposite occured.

Angela: Speak.

Roland: R-Right, sorry ma'am.

Out of instinct, he straightened his back and took a deep breath, like a rookie facing someone with a higher rank than them.

Roland: ...It's kinda tough to receive all the guests alone.

Angela: Elaborate.

Y/N: He means that he can't do all the dirty work by himself.

Roland: Right, I can deal with guests when they arrive one by one but when they arrive in groups, I think to myself "how the hell am I supposed to fight them all?" and get tensed up.

In an attempt to not provoke the one who effortlessly destroyed his limbs like they were made of paper, the Fixer began his statement slowly before reaching the root of the problem he wanted to address.

Roland: There has to be a point where one person is not enough, right? It's only working right now because all we've been facing were minor Syndicates and stuff. Plus, with all this stuff about heightening emotions... it certainly doesn't make it easier.

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