Ch.34: Gaze Office

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An awkward silence rose within the room currently occupied by the trio often seen together. Whether it was willingly or not was an entirely different topic. One might claim that it is while another would reject that notion.

Inside, the director of the Library was seen reading a book that came from one of the recently defeated guests who challenged the Library. Not too far, the unexpected guest that joined the librarians was taking a nap.

Finally, the third member of the group could be seen writing inside the book he carried around with him. What was once a pointless luggage became a way for the tired assistant to pass the time, both by himself and also with the other assistant librarians.

It was the bonding experience that some desperately needed while trapped within the Library and knowing that gave him the motivation to keep writing down more ideas, more thoughts and especially new stories within it.

Those moments were a routine whenever a brief moment of peace passed. Unfortunately, it often ended abruptly with the reception of new guests.

Today was not the day to defy that invisible rule.

???: Confirmed the Molar Office boarding the train.

The sudden and unexpected digital voice snapped everyone out of their own activities, making their gazes shift towards what the invitation was sending their way as a preview. The Grade 9 Fixer mumbled something under his breath and stood up to join the director.

The ex-captain quietly did the same.

Just like a previous trio of guests, the ones now presented to them took the vague shapes of a human but the comparison stopped there. Their bodies were fully replaced by machines.

???: You made sure to attach the observation device on them?

???: Mhm.

???: Bono, how's the observation going?

As they mentioned, their current location was a fresh memory in the back of the trio's mind... or more accurately, a certain duo, the third member currently being unable to forget her knowledge.

Them mentioning the Molar Office caused a second memory to resurface: the faulty Warp train.

Y/N: Why were they following the Molar Office..?

His question remained unanswered for now as they kept their focus on what the invitation revealed to them.

What followed was a conversation between the partners in crime, one showing doubts about whether to go through with what they were about to do. Although his head could not show any expressions, an aura of hesitation could easily be felt.

The leader of the group, however, was not fazed in the slightest by his question and calmly replied while taking a look at a device he was carrying.

???: How many times should I say that we can get 2 million Ahn right away through an untracable source?

Dalloc: It's a deal offered by Cane Office, so we can probably trust this.

With one ear still paying attention to what was said, the exhausted assistant leaned slightly towards the man in a black suit and whispered in an attempt to not be heard by the machine present.

Y/N: Is that a lot? I think it's money, right?

Roland: Hm, an amount like that could keep someone afloat for at least a few months.

Y/N: I see...

Luckily for him, the moment a question akin to "Why would someone offer such a high amount of money?" rose in his head, fate quickly twisted its knots and offered an explanation on a silver platter

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