Ch.40: Singing Machine

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"The music that wraps all around me... I want to hear it again... let me hear it once more..."

"All other music is nothing more than noise to me..."

"Don't look at us like that... you'll understand once you hear it..."

As the group of assistant librarians landed within the reality created by the Abnormality they were there to suppress, the sound of many voices immediately reached their ears, without giving them a second to breathe.

As they looked around, they could see that they were inside some sort facility. Light could be seen entering the room through massive windows installed, revealing many more machines similar to the one they had to defeat. All of them were completely rusted from all the blood covering them...

...All of them except one, which stood nearby, next to a group of shadowy figures blinded by its melody.

They all carried riot sticks in their hands and held smiles that a human should never be able to replicate. Their golden eyes revealed madness in them. There were 3 of them compared to the 4 librarians present, giving them a light advantage.

Zophia: Tch, thank god I downed a can before going in, the last thing I need is to hear that thing again.

Dana: You... Are you drunk?

Zophia: Oh relax, I'll be fine, I can still fight.

Yesod: ...I will deal with you once we defeat this Abnormality.

The words coming from the cold viper did not hide his discontentment at the blond woman who admitted to drinking right before a fight. Upon hearing his words, the woman's posture shifted slightly.

Dana placed a hand against her face and let out a sigh.

Y/N: Are those... employees?

Yesod: They must have been created from within this world to fulfill the Abnormality's needs. The employee we are looking is probably somewhere else.

Y/N: Should someone go look for them?

Zophia: And lose our advantage? That's the dumbest idea I've heard.

Dana: Let's focus on dealing with them first, we don't know where they could be.

As they were busy discussing amongst themselves, the entranced employees silently glanced at each others before shifting their focus on the one remaining machine not rusted from the blood. It was obvious what their intentions were and their constant smiles made it unnerving to think about it.

The trio addicted to the Singing Machine raised their batons and ran ahead in an attempt to satisfy their urge.

In response, the group scattered, forcing the entranced employee to do the same, limiting the chances they had to help one another.

Yesod, who took the lead, blocked an incoming hit with his arm before sending his opponent backward with a blunt strike.

Said enemy barely missed one of its allies, who charged onward at both Zophia & Dana. The both of them were prepared for the incoming swing and readied their stances. Once close enough, the duo thrusted forward and stopped the worker dead in its track.

"I must hear it again... the melody..."

Finally, the third minion was met with sharp blades coming from Angela's assistant. His mumbles were cut short by the assistant's swings with the weapons he held. With each cuts made, he could feel the manifested blades yearn for blood like a starved beast as if they were connected to his mind.

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