Crack of Ruina #6: Me is You, or Maybe You is Me, or Maybe-

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Hod: Mhmm~

Sitting all by herself, the Patron librarian of the Floor of Literature hummed to herself as she slowly moved a thread with the help of a needle. Her eyes were focused on the task ahead and a bright smile was present on her face.

In her hands, a small plushie taking the appearance of Angela's assistant was present. It showed signs of damage after surviving through many battles between her and her coworkers for the sake of owning it. It was a creation she was proud of and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.

...The last person who tried found out what would occur the hard way. It took days for the assistant librarians to find a certain ex-Arbiter stuck in the ceiling, her head broken into it.

Thinking about that scene made her smile grow wider, which only made her look creepier than she already was.

However, that quickly dissipated once a pair of hurried footsteps echoed throughout the hallways. The shy girl quickly hid her prized possession and turned around just in time to find Malkuth run in, exhausted.

Malkuth: Ah... ah... Hod, this is bad! Really bad!

Hod: M-Malkuth? What's wrong?

With barely anytime to catch her breath, the one completely fatigued from running all the way up pointed a finger at the direction she came from.

Malkuth: This is a mess, it's even worse than when Y/N accidentally locked himself in a room with Gebura!

Hod: E-Even worse than that?! I still remember the damage that was left behind when they got out...

And yet, both proclaimed that "nothing important happened" while making the most nonchalant expression possible. No matter how many times the question was asked, the duo kept their lips shut, keeping their shared secret to the grave.

Just remembering that event sent shivers down Hod's spine, forcing her to stand up and join the one in the doorway. Without a second wasted, they both ran back down to the Floor of History, time going against them.

Finally, when they reach their destination, the newcomers stopped in their track to witness what was unfolding before them.

Hod: What... is...

What greeted them on the Floor of History was a sight that they would never be able to forget. Standing in front of them, one, two, three... too many Y/Ns were gathered together. Some were calmly talking to each other while others were beating the crap out of each other without mercy.

So many of them were present that it was impossible for them to count them properly.

By the entrance, the assistant librarians were gathered together, some covered in blood and bruises while others were simply exhausted.

Cereb: Oh hey miss Hod, nice day today right?

Malkuth's first helper raised a hand and showed a carefree smile, revealing that he was swallowing blood that gathered in his mouth.

Hod: ...What happened?

She hesitantly asked as her eyes locked onto the horde in front of her. The workers remained silent for a while until they stepped closer to explain the situation, sweat forming on their faces.

Zophia: From what I know... Y/N and that bookworm, Patchouli, where talking about potentially creating a pathway towards other worlds from within the Library.

Dana: Since miss Patchouli often talked about a world completely different from ours, Y/N tried to bridge both realities together... and this was the result...

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