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I was drifting smoothly through dreamland not until I heard something really-annoyingly-loud rings in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and realized in was my alarm clock. I slammed the clock like I usually do *poor clock* and jumped out of bed. I parted the curtains as the sunlight shines in my eyes and wakes me fully. I quickly got myself groomed before heading to my master's house and do my daily chores.

Mr. Junhyuk and his family are my masters. He is the Beta of Red Salvia Pack; the pack where I grew up.

I serve him and his family as for every omega has to do. A wolf blood, once reached its 13th birthday and didn't shifted, is automatically an omega and will be assigned to a higher ranking family to serve that family-for life.

I accepted my bitter fate and had to face and overcome the beatings I get from the Beta and keep it to myself that I ain't really an omega.


December 9, 20XX, Ni-ki's 13th Birthday.

Groans and grunts filled the house of the two omegas-Juni and Kijung. All the screams is coming from their son, Ni-ki, who's complaining about how his bones ache like they're being twisted as he describes it. Little did they know that Ni-ki is shifting. After over an hour of pain, Ni-ki lost conciousness as the pain slowly left his body. When he woke up, he was dumbfounded when he saw how his legs became 4. Juni, his mother, called her trustworthy Gamma friend, Hyejin over to their house saying they had a situation with Ni-ki.

They were all shocked that Ni-ki actually shifted, like how on earth did two omegas had a high ranking pup. Ni-ki's fur was pure and shiny black, his eyes glows red: indication of an alpha, but Hyejin never told him that part.

Soon, Juni and Kijung confessed that they aren't Ni-ki's true parents. They just found Ni-ki by the lake at the north edge of the territory and decided to raise him like theirs.

[end of flashback]

We decided to keep the truth as of my request until I find my true parents. So Hyejin, as a shifting wolf, taught me all the things I had to learn as a wolf.

I was assigned to the pack's Beta and I accepted it whole-heartedly. But what I didn't know was the Beta and its family holds a grudge on omegas seeing them so lowly and starts abusing me, physically and verbally and been enduring it for 7 years, as I am now 20.

At the age of 20 and being still mateless, every wolf blooded creatures will start to get imaptient and paranoid whether if they have a mate or none; whether to find them or not. But it doesn't bug me as I was pre-occupied finding answers to my questions regardless of where I came from, why am I left in the woods and will I know which pack I was supposed to be.

While I was in deep thoughts, I smelled something burning. I looked at the stove and saw the pancakes that I was making for my masters was completely burnt.

I rapidly turned the stove off and soon after, I heard angry footsteps coming in my direction. Oh no.

"NI-KI! YOU BURNT MY BREAKFAST AGAIN YOU RASCALL!" Mr. Junhyuk shouts as he grabs me on my neck and lifting me from the ground. I did all his best to hold back from shifting and revealing myself infront of the Beta even if my wolf, Cheolsoo was flaring up from anger and wanting to take over.

"I-I'm sorry s-sire, I'll m-make another one." I said with a faint voice, struggling from breathing. Mr. Junhyuk put me down and gave one last blow in my face making my lips split and bleed while kneeling to the floor because of the Beta's excess power.

"This better be the last time you mess with my kitchen or else I'll make you a bait for the rogues and let them chunk you into pieces." Mr. Junhyuk says as he walks away. I started to make another batter and clean the pan as I throw away the rejected ones and do it all over again.

As the Beta and his family was digging into the breakfast I made, I heard their conversation about Mr. Junhyuk heading out of town with our pack's alpha to find a suitable mate to the alpha's only son and heir of Red Salvia Pack. Jeez don't they know that mates exists and you just need to wait for them and not hunt? Why am I even complaining, I don't care about the next alpha.

"Ni-ki. I'm going out tomorrow and will be gone for a week and my family will head over my mate's hometown to visit their family from their mother's side. I want you, to keep this house ship shape and I don't want to see this house burnt down when we get back or else you'll face the consequences. Understood?" Mr. Junhyuk said with his voice full of authority.

I mentally celebrated as I have a whole week of freedom to have a chance to find my biological parents.

"Yes sire. I'll take care of everything." I responded and he nodded as he gestured his hand signaling me that I can go off.

|to be continued|

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