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We arrived at the lake and from afar, I see a figure standing near the bushes. Getting closer, I recognized him. He is the guy from yesternight.

"Glad you finally came, Alphas." He said smiling.

"How did you..." I failed to finish my sentence as the guy cut me off.

"Because it's in the prophecy." He answered which made me and Sunoo more confused.

"I'm Heeseung. Shall we go now? I don't want Red Salvia patrols know my existence this early. Come with me. I'll explain in our lair." Heeseung added and gestured to go.

"Wait, isn't this dangerous? We're crossing an unclaimed territory. Rogues can attack us here any moment." Sunoo hesitates, holding tighter to my arm.

"Trust me, Alpha. I'm willing to go frontline together with the whole pack if that happens." Heeseung said without looking at us.

"Pack? There is a pack living here?" I asked. I mean, this is an unclaimed territory. Does he mean a pack of rogues?

Heeseung didn't uttered anything from then. We simply followed him and led us to a cave. We went inside and parted the vines that serves as a curtain of the cave. Me and my mate were in deep shock when a beautiful scenery came infront of our faces. Where are we? Is this some kind of hidden territory? Are we in another world?

We keep walking until we reached a house. It's pretty big for a normal wolf blood family to live in. It was like a pack house.

Heeseung went inside so we followed him. I kept my mate on my back protecting him if ever some kind of attack happens. As I walk pass the lounge, the people inside starts to go on bended knee. What on earth is happening?

We reached a room that seems to be a hall. There are few people inside but one caught my attention. It was the rogue I chase the other day.

"Ni-ki, isn't he..." I looked at my mate and yes, we saw the same thing.

"Alpha, meet the Protectors. That one over there is Jake. I'm guessing you recognize him. Sorry if he gave you a scare the other day. Beside him is Yeonjun, then Soobin his mate. On the left side is Beomgyu and that one is his mate, Taehyun. This one beside me is Kai, my mate. For now, I'll just answer the questions running through your head. But before that, Alphas, can you take a seat and listen to a story?" Since me and my mate are both clueless, we just nodded and obeyed Heeseung's request. We took a seat and payed attention to Heeseung in the front.


"Long ago, there was this pack established by a strong and pure blooded Alpha. The strongest pack ever made in the wolf blood history. Time passed and passed until more human became mates with wolf bloods but this pack's Alphas always been pure blooded. Then comes the 15th Alpha to rule this pack. He doesn't really cared if his mate will be human or a wolf. He is the best Alpha ever lived in the history of this pack. He had a twin brother. But because of his kind heart and great sense of leadership, he was chosen to lead the pack instead of his twin." Heeseung started. Why do I find this story very familiar? I think I already heard it somewhere.

"One day, a beautiful maiden was seen on their territory. She was lying on the ground unconcious and the patrols called the Alpha to know what will they gonna do. So the Alpha came and to his surprise, it's his mate. He quickly ordered the pack warriors to call the pack doctor and gave her first aid. Unfortunately, the woman lost her memories. But she was told that she is the Alpha's mate. The woman basically thought that she was a human because she can't shift at all. But nonetheless, she accepted the Alpha and she was declared as the pack's Luna. But what didn't they know is that the woman is actually the..."

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