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"Gamma Hyojong! How was training here?" I called our head warrior when I arrived at the training grounds.

"Going well, Alpha. The teens were quite nervous because tomorrow, we'll announce their position in the pack." He said brightly. I roamed my eyes to see some trainees were having a little spar, or practicing their mastered weapon.

In a distance I saw JJ struggling with his bow and arrow. Since I knew everyone in this pack, I easily can tell who's who. Someone saw JJ struggling so he went to help. Even if they were in a distance, I can hear them perfectly well because of wolves' sharp hearing.

"Level your arms with your shoulder, JJ. Then pull the arrow on the level of your ear." Leo says and JJ follows. Its nice to see them helping each other out, and not seeing each other as competitors. As JJ shoot, it nearly hit the red spot, I know with a few more practice, he'll hit the bullseye.

Leo was just about to go back to his self training but Inhyuk walked up to him asking for help too. Leo gladly showed the proper way  to defense from the back and Inhyuk got it in a few tries.

"How is Leo's records?" I asked Gamma Hyojong beside me.

"Not well. His records doesn't match his abilities. That kid has the potential and I can see his passion but his records just keep falling. Probably because he's busy helping others and he didn't have time for himself." Gamma Hyojong answers without getting his gaze out of Leo.

"How are you, Gamma Hyojong? You think you can handle them for a bit more?" I asked worriedly. Supposedly, Gamma Hyojong will reign his title as Head Warrior when I was crowned but since I haven't decided who's going to be my Gamma, I talked to him if he could stay up for a bit more until I found someone. It'll be much easier if he had a son to pass but he didn't had children. But now I think I know who'll be fitting.

"I'm fine, Alpha. I can keep up until you appoint someone, then I can step down and travel the world with my mate." He answered. Nice plans. I won't keep this long so he can finally be with his mate.

"Well, Gamma Hyojong, I think you need to book a ticket now." I smiled and tapped his shoulder as I went inside the pack house.

I made my way to the meeting hall and approached the large 2D map on the table. It has flags on the spot where there are packs who were claiming the land.

[Jungwon, come in the meeting hall for a bit.] I linked Jungwon. In a few seconds, the door opened and Jungwon came in.

"We need to come up with an idea now. It's tiring for the three of us, you, me, and Ni-ki to go back and forth from Red Salvia to Crystal Moon." I stated. Jungwon nodded in agreement. As Jay was a part of Crystal Moon, he had to stay in his cabin there so Jungwon had to adjust. And because of Ni-ki's and my alpha duties, we needed to be apart for a few days before we can get a free time to see each other. Sometimes, Ni-ki will bring his paperworks here at Red Salvia but he still had to go back for sudden meetings and such. Its just so tiring.

By the way, Ni-ki was already crowned and Heeseung as his Beta. We held it a few weeks ago. He's been adjusting to the load of work in his pack so in those past weeks, I think we only saw each other for like a few hours in a day.

"Have you thought of anything?" Jungwon asked as he eyed on the map.

"In this map's view, Crystal Moon is on the west and Sunghoon's Pack is on the east. On the south is Alpha Junkyu's territory. And our pack is located on the south-east, we're in the middle of Hollow Wood Pack and Black Pearl Pack. As you can see there's a 30 mile-wide unclaimed teritorry in between. Maybe we can talk to Sunghoon and Junkyu if we could claim the land and build a pack house there." I pointed the spots to mark and stick flags in there.

"But it's quite complicated to migrate a whole pack, how are we gonna do that?" Jungwon asked. Good question, and good thing I already thought about that.

"You're right. So I thought that we can just send there all the unmated pack members instead of the whole pack. That way they'll be able to mingle with new faces and probably find their mates there. You and me can move there so we wouldn't have to take a 2 hour travel just to visit our mates. Then we could bring our paperworks and held meetings there so we wouldn't have to go back here all the time. Though we still do need to go here from time to time, maybe once in a week to check. What do you think?"

"That's a well-polished plan, you're really desperate to see your mate often I see." Jungwon chuckles and shakes his head.

"As if you're not." I scoff in defense. Then I remembered something to consult Jungwon.

"Hey, Wonie, what do you think of appointing Leo as my gamma?" I asked. He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"You mean my brother Leo? You'll appoint him?" Jungwon asked in return. I simply nodded and his eyes was glistening at the idea.

"All his life, he just wanted to be a good warrior. He is the one who never wanted power, he just wanted to help and serve this pack. So by appointing him as this pack's head warrior, I think he will be ecstatic at the idea. But you wouldn't appoint him just because he's your bestfriend's brother, right?" He asked in worry. I scoffed.

"Of course not. I saw his potential. And those who were not after power, deserve to be in that place more." I smiled and Jungwon hugged me tightly.

"Hey watch it, you'll squish my pup." I scolded him. And that reminds me, we'll be going to the pack doctor to check what's the baby's gender. So that means, Ni-ki will come here today!

"Oops, sorry. But thank you, Sunoo. Leo will be so happy." Jungwon smiled and pat my shoulder. Then a familiar scent of mint and chocolate drifted to my nose. I squealed in excitement. Ni-ki is here!

I quickly dashed to the living area and saw Ni-ki putting his shoes on the shoe rack. He raised his head and our eyes locked. I was about to tear up. I ran to him and hung my arms on his neck to engulfed him in a big hug. He turned me around and I giggled. He puts me down and kissed me.

"I missed you, Pie." Ni-ki stated as we parted gasping for air.

"I missed you too. I missed you so bad." I closed my eyes and connect our foreheads.

We head to the alpha suite, our room, for me to change comfortable clothes for my check up. He sat down on the bed as I change. I picked Ni-ki's hoodie since it's oversized on me and I find it comfy.

I took off my shirt and I saw my reflection on the mirror. I saw a bump on my stomach, the baby is starting to show. But is a baby supposed to show up on the second month? I just shrugged and put on the hoodie.

"Let's go, Love." I clung my arm in his as we walk to the pack clinic.

.•°•.T I M E  S K I P.•°•.

"It's a boy." Doctor Leeyong stated. I smiled widely and looked at Ni-ki. He kissed my hand that is intertwined with his and returned the smile.

"And a girl."

"TWINS?!" Me and Ni-ki asked in chorus. But Doctor Leeyong didn't answer us with a yes or no. Instead...

"And another boy." He added. My eyes widen in shock making me gasp. I turned my gaze to my mate with teary eyes.

"Triplets..." I whispered though Ni-ki managed to hear it and nodded. We're having triplets!

Third Person's POV

"Savour your little happy moments aphas because I'm not allowing you to live happy while I'm all miserable." Someone stated in the shadows with piercing green eyes.

|to be continued|

[A/N]: BLOCKBUSTER REACHED #2 IN SUNKI TAG I'M SCREAMING HERE T_T I'm in the mood for another plot twist now. Anyways thank you so much for reading this and please do share the story with your friends, jalgayo!!!

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