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We're already out of the Red Salvia Lands and from what I remember, we're now standing in an unclaimed territory so it's not impossible that rogues will attack us like what just happened earlier. It still haven't sinked into my mind that I just saw Ni-ki released a ball of light from his palm to defeat the rogues who blocked our way. So Sunoo is serious when he said that Ni-ki is the son of the Moon Goddess?

We kept running until we reached a cave. As we enter, I just followed them because they seem to know where we're going and to my surprise, another land is waiting at the other side of the cave. What is this place? How did they knew that?

We headed to a house and entered a room that seems to be a meeting hall.

A few moments, that guy who told us to follow Jay earlier came. Followed by 3 other people who I can't seem to recognize. They all bowed when they saw us inside.

[Mate.] Sungjin, my wolf reacted making me stand up.

Sunoo got startled when I suddenly stood up.

"You scared me! What are you doing?!" He yelled at me. I didn't answered him and just started inhaling deeply while closing my eyes.

Just then, another two people arrived too, then another one on their back. He bowed following the gestures of the two in his front even if he hasn't fully entered the room yet.

When he came up from the bow, his eyes locked on mine. We stared at each other for a few moments. We stayed like that for minutes but Sunoo broke the silence.

"I guess we found another reason to call off the wedding." He shrugged then we both laughed.

I walked closer to him dragging him outside the meeting hall.

"Hi, I'm Sunghoon, what's your name?" I asked softly, still looking through his eyes.

"I'm...Jake." Jake, what a cute name. Now I understand what Sunoo said about mates.

"We can go to my room to have a little conversation. It's inappropriate for a guest to stay in the hallway." He giggled and gestured the way.

We talked for hours, knowing each other deeper.

"He literally nagged at me after begging to call off our wedding, saying that I'll understand when I meet my mate. Now I do." I said, pertaining to Sunoo.

"So, will you cancel it now that you found me?" He asks hesitantly. I wish I could, but the final decision will be always from my parents and Sunoo's parents.

"Well, I would, but I'm afraid that our parents wouldn't. The only way they would cancel it is when one of us is already mated but we just met and---" I failed to finish my sentence when Jake suddenly pecked my lips leaving me in shock.

"Do it." He said seriously. Is he insane? We literally just known each other for hours.

"Isn't it too early? We just met for---" I wasn't able to continue when he kissed me passionately locking his arms around my nape.

"If my mate will get tied after this day, it isn't. We're both 21. If we happen to meet exactly when we were 18, by this time we will be doing it sooner or later. Besides, Alpha Sunoo is the mate of our Alpha Riki. I'm guessing that we four are thinking the same thing. Wanna bet tomorrow morning?" He dared. Unbelievable. I'm not prepared but my daring mate is in serious mode so I just gave in.

"No need for the bet. I agree that we four is thinking the same thing, hahaha." I giggled and pressed my lips onto his. The rest is history.

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