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A/N: A little warning. Sensitive topic up ahead. I had to do it or else SunSun will be forced to get married.


"Alphas, you can stay at that room. I'm sure Alpha Sunghoon will stay at Jake's room so you can use that one." Beomgyu says pointing to a room near the end of the hallway.

Me and Ni-ki head inside. I'm so exhausted from all that running.

"What do you want to do, Pie?" Ni-ki asks showing a smile.

"Can we rest for a little? I'm exhausted from all that running and crying." I said as he nods.

We laid to the bed besides each other. I faced him and met his gaze.

"I got scared when I saw you earlier. You seem more pale than ever." I pouted. I got shocked when he pecked my lips suddenly.

"You're getting naughty! We just kissed earlier you kiss addict." I said dramatically while playfully hitting his chest.

"Don't pout. You're such a tease. And sorry about earlier, I was down these past few days because you're away." He said. A pang of guilt hit me. What will ever happen when I didn't convince Jungwon earlier? I would've killed myself if anything happens to Ni-ki.

"Hey, it's okay. You're here now. We're not getting apart ever again, right?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

I wish I could say yes. Though I found my mate, and Sunghoon found his, it's not still certain that the wedding will call off. It's still our parents' decision in the end. But of course, they'll surely cancel if one of us is already mated. Then it hit me. It's the only way. I have to make sure to call off that wedding.

I kissed Ni-ki. An innocent kiss. He's confused at first, but still he is responding my kiss.

"Claim me, Ni-ki. So I could finally say that I'm only yours, and you're only mine." I whispered when we parted. His face got flustered.

"Are you sure, Pie?" He asks hesitantly. I simply nodded and he initiated the next thing.

He kissed me again and this time, it got deepened. His kisses went down from my lips to my jawline, slowly drifting to my neck.

I bit my lip to refrain from making unnecessary noises but I failed to held it when Ni-ki found my spot. He smirked and started nipping the part where he'll lay his mark. Moments later, I felt his canines sinking on my neck.

It hurts at first. My eyes became watery but soon the pain was replaced with pleasure. Ni-ki's canines finally retracted and licked the mark to help it heal.

Then I felt my gums aching. Now its time for me to mark him. I sank my canines on his neck and I felt his grip tighten. I gave it a few seconds before he loosen up and I patched the mark to heal. My energy just got drained so I laid on the bed as Ni-ki copied my actions. We cuddled to sleep as he pecked my forehead and mouthed 'goodnights'.

I groaned as I felt the sun shining directly to my face. Remind me to close the curtains next time. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ni-ki sitting beside the bed, watching me.

"Good morning, Pie." He pecked my lips and smiled.

"Good morning." I replied with a sleepy voice, not interested on getting up.

"You have to get up now, Pie. Everyone is already at the dining hall." I sighed and quickly get ready. I froze when I realize that I have no clothes with me. I wrapped the bathrobe around me and went to our bedroom. In my shock, I saw my clothes in Ni-ki's hands.

"How did you get my clothes?" I asked in shock.

"Yesterday, Heeseung ordered Kai and Taehyun to head back to Red Salvia Lands to get clothes of you, Jungwon and Sunghoon." He said smiling. I grabbed my new clothes and quickly got dressed in the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and noticed Ni-ki's mark imprinted on my neck. I smiled at the thought that we already marked each other. I touched my mark and I felt something ticklish in my stomach. What the heck was that?

I just shrugged and head my way out of the bathroom. Ni-ki smiled when he saw me. My gaze fell to his neck, where I marked him. It stands out because obviously he has no plans on covering it.

"You really like that mark, huh? It seems like you're revealing it on purpose." I said as we both laugh. I went closer to him.

"Of couse I do." He said and snaked his arms to my waist.

"Let's go to the dining hall before that naughty hands of yours wander even more." I teased and he giggled.

On our way to the dining hall, we saw Sunghoon and Jake along the way. Then my gaze lands on their neck.

"I guess we were thinking the same thing." Sunghoon said and the four of us laughed.

We finally arrived the hall and notice Jungwon's absence. So is Jay.

"Where's Jungwon and Jay?" I asked curiously.

"They left early, Pie. Jungwon's parent's was looking for him. And so are you, and Sunghoon. So we need to get ready quickly and follow them there." Ni-ki said and that's what we did. We ate breakfast and made our way back to the Red Salvia Lands.

I'm honestly nervous. Though I already found my mate and Sunghoon found his, we're still not sure if the wedding will be canceled. I held Ni-ki's hand tightly as we head inside the pack house.

We headed to the hall because there is where I think my parents are. As soon as we entered, my dad engulfed me in a warm embrace.

"We were so worried about you. Did you get hurt?" My father says as he starts scanning my whole being.

"I'm fine dad. No bruises." I smiled and mom went hugging me too. It's funny how they're hugging me but I never let go of Ni-ki's hand. When they finally noticed, they looked at Ni-ki.

"Uhm, mom, dad, this is Ni-ki...my mate." I said smiling. Don't they supposed to be shocked or whatever? They seems calm and such.

"We know." They said in unison. They know?! How?! Did they background checked Ni-ki or something?

"How?" I asked.

"Jungwon came here earlier and explained everything." My dad answered briefly.

"Does that mean...the wedding is off?" I asked with an excited tone.

"The wedding will go on. Get ready, the ceremony will start at noon." He answered. WHAT?!

"But dad! Sunghoon also found his mate! We can't pursue this wedding!" I protested. This can't be happening.

"Who said Sunghoon will be your groom?" Dad asks raising a brow and looked at Ni-ki. My eyes widen and I gasped.

"Well what are you doing? Move now! You don't want to be late on your own wedding." Mom said and I hugged my parents out of joy. Best. Day. Ever!!!

|to be continued|


[A/N:] No sexualization intended, please don't cancel me after this but I really need to put scenes like this because this is a part of an omegaverse. Based on my demographics, 32% of my readers are minors sorry for the steamy scene but be used to those from now on because it will happen more often now that they completed marking each other. It will just be SHORT scenes and it WON'T run in a whole chapter because I have no plans on writing smut, well just implications. Obviously this is pure fiction, so IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ENHYPEN's REAL LIFE. The next chapter will be Jungwon and Sunghoon's  point of view.

edited: so I uh kinda edited this part so if you're one of the early birds here just pretend you never saw anything lmao

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