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The night is getting deep so we decided to head back to his house. While walking, I felt my shoe laces untied so I crouched down letting Ni-ki to go first so I am now behind him.

I finished doing my shoe laces and stand up. But I was in shock once again when I saw Ni-ki's back lit. I gasped audibly and that made him look back at me.

"Pie?" He asked confused. I ran to him and touched the upper right part of his back where the light is coming from.

"Ni-ki your back just lit." I said and that makes him more confused. He pulled his sweater sleeve down to his shoulder revealing a crescent moon that is lighting up brightly.

"What is that thing?" He reached for it and tried to rub it off. The glow slowly starts to fade. When the light was gone, it left him a mark, kinda like a birthmark, in a shape of a crescent moon.

"That is because you are the son, the descendant of the Moon Goddess." Someone spoke behind us making us startled.

"What are you saying?" Ni-ki asked as the mysterious man motioned him to stay as where he is, not wanting Ni-ki to come closer to him.

"The time has come. Meet me by the lake tommorow. I'll explain everything." He said as he shifted and ran away.

"No, wait!" Ni-ki shouted as I grabbed his arm.

"He said he'll tell everything tommorow. I'll come with you. Let's see what he got to say. Tommorow we'll find out everything. For now let's just go home and sleep. It's been a long day for the both of us." I said softly as we trail our way home. He remained confused throughout our walk and I can feel he's bothered by what just happened.

"Ni-ki, stop overthinking okay? Everything will be alright." I said and embraced him really tight. He just nodded and we went inside the house.

"Pie, you sleep here in the bed. I sleep at the couch and—" He started but I didn't let him finish as I kiss him on his cheek making him dumbfounded.

"It's okay, just sleep beside me. You'll hurt your back when you sleep at the couch." I said to reassure him that I wouldn't mind. Besides we are just sleeping. It's not like we're doing anything bad or something like that. We're just having a rest. Afterall, I'm his mate.

"Yeah but I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He pouted and looked down.

"I'm most comfortable when I'm with you." I smiled. His face lit up with a beaming smile in return.

"Okay. Go shower first. I'll go after you finish." He gave up and I head to the bathroom to take a nice evening bath before going to bed.

I came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and he took a shower next. I sat on the bed as I dry my hair with a towel. I scanned the place and a picture frame caught my attention.

It's a photo of a family. A mom, a dad, and a child which I assume is Ni-ki and his adoptive parents. Come to think of it, I haven't met them yet. Aren't they living in here with Ni-ki? I put back the frame from where it was earlier as I saw him heading out from the bathroom.

"What is my Pie doing?" He asks with all smiles.

"Where's your parents? Aren't they living here with you?" I tilted my head as I look up to him coz he is so tall.

"They aren't here in the pack anymore. The family that they're serving moved to another pack because their master's daughter's mate is from another pack so they decided to move there and my parents had no choice but to move with them. I understand though we only see each other twice or thrice a year."

Then I pouted. It must've been hard for him. He endured being lonely for so long. How can I go back to the pack house now? I can't leave him alone again like everyone used to. There must be a way. Whatever is it I'll do it if it means I got to stay with Ni-ki.

"Don't worry, Pie. I have you now. You won't leave me too, right?"

"Of course I won't. You're the last person I want to leave behind."

We laid to bed besides each other. Ni-ki snakes his hand onto my waist as I wrap mine around his torso. He planted a kiss on my forehead which made me get this butterflies again. We stayed in that position until we fell asleep.


I groaned when I felt the sunlight blind my even closed eyes. I can still feel Sunoo's hands wrapping around me that made me smile. I slowly opened my eyes and met Sunoo's who is already staring at me.

"Good morning, Ni-ki." He whispered with his soft morning voice that is music to my ears.

"Good morning, Pie. Were you waiting for me to wake up?" I asked with a sleepy tone. He seems to be awake for a while now. Was he watching me sleep?

"Mhm, I just want to watch how peaceful my mate is when he's asleep." He said which made me chuckle. I think this is the first time he actually called me 'his mate'. Heck we even fought when we first met. I smiled at the idea that he accepted me earlier than I thought. Moments later, I feel my cheeks burning.

"And what did I do to make my Ni-ki blush this early, hmm?" He added. Heck I can't take this anymore. I want to kiss him, he's too adorable.

"Nothing. Its just that, this is the first time I hear you admit that I'm your mate." I chuckled and he snorted. He removed his arms off of me which made me frown.

"I did not! And for all the things I said, you only heard the word 'mate'?" He protested. That made me giggle. He's too defensive.

"No, I also heard you said I'm yours." I teased him and smirked. Now he's the blushing mess. Didn't he realized he just practically claimed me by saying 'my mate'?

"Don't worry, Pie. Claim me all you want. I won't complain anyways." I added making him slap my chest playfully.

"Of course you won't. You're liking it anyhow. By the way, why do you keep calling me 'Pie'? Do I look edible to you?" He said and take the note of sarcasm in his tone. I laughed because he's being innocently funny. I cupped his face with my hands.

"No. Because your scent reminds me of the Sunflower seed pies that mom used to make me when I was young. And don't act like you're not liking it too. Your cheeks turns red whenever I call you that." I answered and that made him cover his face with his own hands not minding that I'm already cupping his face so that makes his hands land over mine.

"You're teasing me again." He pouted then he finally removed his hand covering his face.

"You're lucky I can't call you 'ice cream'." Sunoo retorted leaving me with a confused face.

"Your scent reminds me of mint chocolate ice cream and even make me crave for it sometimes. If I were a werewolf I would've took a chunk on you when we first met." He uttered and I lost it. I burst out of laughing.

After that morning talk, we decided to ready ourselves and go outside to meet that mystery guy who popped out of nowhere yesternight saying that I am a descendant of a who? I can't remember. I'm actually nervous but my mate makes me put myself together and have courage to face whatever I might know today.

"You ready Pie?" I asked as he nodded. We head to the lake that the guy said as the meeting place.

|to be continued|

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