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"Doc, our pup..." I asked hesitantly. He remained silent for a few seconds. His blank emotion made me more nervous. Why? Did something happened to my baby?

"Alive and kicking." He smiled. We sigh in relief. Thank goodness nothing happened to the baby. I may have said I wasn't ready for a baby, but I love our pup anyways so it doesn't matter now if I am ready or not.

"I already informed Doctor Leeyong on Red Salvia Clinic about your previous records and you can go home now." Then he gestured that he'll leave for a moment to check on other patients, which were our ally pack members.

We head out and I linked Jungwon to take care of everything here. We're staying at Sunghoon's house and tomorrow, we'll introduce ourselves to Crystal Moon Pack members, our pack members. But then I remembered someone.

"Ni-ki, have you seen the dragon prince?" I asked as I hung my hands on his arm.

"He was fetched by their palace guards earlier. Don't worry, Pie, I helped him heal so he's good as new when he left." Ni-ki smiled in assurance as I nod.

"I want to thank him. He helped me more than I asked him to do. I called him earlier so he can warn you but he went back to me afterwards and he got hurt. How about, we visit them tomorrow and invite them on your coronation?" I suggested as I look onto Ni-ki's eyes with pure adoration. He opened the clinic door and we're finally outside.

"That's a great idea, Pie. I'll come with you. We need to thank them for building an alliance with us too. But, how did he found you?" He asked looking to me and we stopped walking. I fished for the flute on my pocket and showed it to him.

"You remember the first time we went to the den? When I talked to him regarding his situation, we became friends and he lend me this flute. He said he'll come when I play it. Luckily I carry it around so it became handy earlier." He just nods and we continued walking towards the pack house.

We finally arrived. Since the pack house is never empty, it always remain unlocked so we have no trouble going inside. I felt hunger the moment we stepped in.

"Love, can you cook for me? I'm starving." I pouted. I never ate anything for the days I spent inside the dungeon. Fortunately, they didn't hurt me, they just starved me to death.

"Sure, Pie. Take your seat, I'll make dinner for the both of us." Ni-ki smiled as I sit on the breakfast bar. He made my soul food, spicy rice cake, some dumplings, and I found jellies on the pantry! Yay! Ni-ki finished cooking and I set up the table for the two of us.

"No one, love! No one can beat your cooking! I love you!" I cooed him for the delicious food he made.

"You're saying that because you're hungry. For someone starving, anything is delicious." He snorted.

"I mean it, Ni-ki! You're the best cook! I can eat this for the rest of my life!" I retorted and pecked his lips which made him flustered. I just giggled at his reaction.


"Alright, Pie. You can shower here in our room and I'll shower in Sunghoon's room. We've already brought your clothes. It's in the closet." I said as I grab my own clothes and go shower at Sunghoon's room. We're both tired and I can't take to wait for him to finish before I got to shower.

I am naturally quick doing stuff, its in my system because I served that Beta for 7 years of my life. So it's not surprising that I finished first. I went back to the guestroom and sat on the edge of the bed as I dry off my hair with a towel. I heard the water from the bathroom stopped streaming so I guess Sunoo will come out any moment now.

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