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No that can't be. Impossible. I'm a male so how can I conceive a child? Plus I'm still not ready to have a baby. If it's not a heartbeat, maybe my stomach is just grumbling saying I'm hungry? Yeah, maybe it's that. We should head back and eat at Sunghoon's house.

"Shall we head back?" I suggested.

"Okay." Ni-ki answered as he assist me to stand up. The moment I stood up, my knees seems to lose strength. Then everything became black.


"PIE!" I shouted when Sunoo fainted. I tapped his cheek but it's no use.

[Sunghoon! Sunoo fainted! Can you hear me?] Then I linked Sunghoon. I'm literally panicking right now.

[I'm guiding you to the clinic. Get here now!] Sunghoon replied.

I carried Sunoo bridal style, not minding the picnic basket, I ran to the pack house. Halfway through, I saw Jungwon.

"What happened?!" He asked panicking.

"I'll explain later. Let's just take him to the clinic." I answered.

In a distance, I saw Sunghoon. He told me the way to the clinic. I told them to stay outside. The doctor just finished checking Sunoo.

"He's fine. Once he woke up, call me. For now, let him rest." He added before he left.

I held his hand and stared at him. I should calm myself now. Few minutes later, he gained conciousness.

"Where am I?" Sunoo asked as soon as he opened his eyes.

"You're in the clinic, Pie. You fainted. I'll call the doctor." Then I head outside looking for the doctor. He came in Sunoo's room pushing a weird thingy that looks like a monitor.

"How do you feel, Alpha?" Doctor Gi asked.

"I feel dizzy since this morning." Sunoo admitted. Doctor Gi just nodded.

"Anything else you're feeling? Something unusual?" He asked again.

"I've been sensitive this past few days, I cry for little things. And I hated the smell of garlic a lot! I often feel dizzy and for light reasons, I throw up. I also crave for jellies. I don't understand. I'm not like that before." Sunoo answered and he's about to tear up so I tighted my grip of his hand and rubbed my thumb on his forehand.

"Can you lift your shirt? I have to check on something." Doctor Gi asked and Sunoo immediately follows. He put some kind of gel on Sunoo's stomach and start rubbing a weird looking scanner. Then an image popped out from the monitor. I saw a little blob.

"Well, Alphas, you're going to be parents soon." He said excitingly. I met Sunoo's gaze and I was about to tear up in joy.

"You're 2 weeks pregnant, Alpha Sunoo." Doctor Gi added.

"I. hate you Ni-ki." Sunoo stated while shutting his eyes close.

"Why?!" I protested.

"Why? WHY?! Ni-ki I was just crowned! I have a bunch of work and I'm still adjusting! You could've said you were serious when you said your demigod quote! Oh my goodness Ni-ki what have you done!" He yelled once more. And when he said he's sensitive, that's what he meant. I just shrugged it off and looked at Doctor Gi, we laughed at Sunoo's drama.

"When you got home to your pack, I suggest you go on another check up. I'll inform your pack doctor so he would know what to do, since this is the first time we'll handle a pregnant male." Doctor Gi starts.

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