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As the heir of Red Salvia Pack, I was locked up in the house for all my life. My parents, this pack's Alpha and Luna, well mostly my dad's, decided to hide me from all the other pack members until I turn 18 for the coronation. And everytime I want to roam around the house, I had to wear a freaking mask to hide my face from the house maids and guards. Why on earth will they lock me as if I was like in the fairytale novels as a princess–er whatever and had to follow the king and queen like how Elsa stayed at her room because of her frost?

I had a friend though. Jungwon. He's a year older than me. He's 19 this year and I'm turning 18 this year too. My parents doesn't know about him. We would play secretly when we were little and we meet secretly till now. He does know that I am the Alpha's son but he too never saw my face. I was ready anyway to take my mask off but he practically begged me not to show my face to him because it'll be a suicide so I agreed. He knows me more than anyone else and if I were to take my mask off, he'll sure to recognize me without me saying any word.

As I was scooting along the hallway, I heard some maids chitchatting so I decided to gossip a little to entertain myself.

"I heard that the Alpha will go out of town tomorrow and will be gone for a whole week together with his Beta to find a suitable mate for Alpha Sunoo." a maid said that as a whisper but it was still audible enough for me to hear from the hallway.

She said that dad will be gone for a week with Beta Junhyuk to find a suitable ma—WAIT WHAT?! THEY'LL FIX ME IN A MARRIAGE WITH SOMEONE WHO ISN'T MY MATE?!

That's it! I'm out of this house! I'll pursue my plan of escaping now that I've been planning since 15. I don't know why I endured another 2 years of my life being locked up in this walls when I perfectly polished everything since I was 15 years old.

.•°•.T I M E  S K I P.•°•.

Today is June 23, and my father just left few hours ago to find a 'suitable' mate for me. It's already dusk and I'm waiting the moon to rise so I can pursue my plan on escaping this freaking house. Tommorow is my 18th birthday and the coronation happens a week after my birthday so it's on June 30th, just in time that my dad will come back. So it's now or never. I have to get out of here before I get tied with a stranger whom will possibly not my mate and I don't want that to happen.

I checked my phone. 11:48 p.m. Everyone should be asleep now. I tugged my bolster pillow under a blanket to supply my presence and will take them longer to notice that I'm gone. Hopefully by that time I already found a place to stay.

When I was roaming in the house 2 years ago, I found the blueprint on the house inside an open vault of my parent's bedroom. As the heir of the pack, I was conditioned to have a sharp memory so I memorized all the details I could before my parents head back. I found out the the basement has a hidden passageway that leads straight out of this house so I took the chance to plan escaping but I can't bare to leave my parents.

But with what I heard yesterday, my desire of being free heightened and here I am now, sneaking my way to the basement.

The pack house basement is like a mini museum that has all the relics and personal things from our ancestors such as diaries and photos that can elaborate the happenings in the past. As I roam around calculating where the passageway is, I analyzed the room and faced the east. It leads me to a shelf with all the trophies and plaques that the alphas from our pack has recieved through time. One must be the switch. With all the shining trophies and plaques infront of me, one caught my attention. It was a trophy that looked like the oldest one there is. It has a simple golden wolf in the top but the name was barely seen, it's obvious that it has been touched more frequently than the other ones. I nudged at it and stepped back as the shelf slowly leans forward revealing a passage.

Yes! I found it! I quickly ran across the passage and after a few, I saw the stars shining from the sky. Wow. I only see them from my window before but now I'm right below them for real!

I made my way to... I don't know where since I've never been outside so I was just simply strolling down the town. Its a town hidden inside the forest exclusively for wolf bloods like me. Everyone in this mini town has a wolf blood. While I was strolling, I saw a signage of a 4-storey building that says they allow walk ins to inquire and check in from what I assume was like a hotel–for wolves.

I pushed the door and inquired to have a room just for the night since I don't want to run my money just for shelter. I need to eat too you know! I'll find a suitable shelter that'll cost less first thing tommorow so yeah. Luckily there was still a bellboy at the lobby that can assist me so he handed my room keycard and led my way to the stairs. As for a normal human hotel, it would've had an elevator but since this one only has 4 floors, it's bearable to use the stairs to they didn't bother.

I swiped the keycard and a homey room was infront of my face. I quickly showered and lay to bed to be able to wake up early. All the running made me tired and the moment I laid on the bed, I immediately fell asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up with an unfamiliar surrounding. It took me minutes to process that I am not in my room anymore since I ran out of the pack house yesternight.

I didn't bother taking a shower because I heard that there is a lake nearby so I just brush my teeth and bought fruits as my brunch. I packed my things and surrendered the keycard to the lobby before heading out of the building.

As I stepped out from the door, I smelled a faint smell of mint and chocolate. It somehow made me crave for ice cream though. But what if its a pack member then I would've eaten him/her alive. Just kidding, that's gross. I ain't a cannibal.

I wandered more and saw a sign pointing to the Lake. I walked happily at the thought of me being free and no one is recognizing me giving shitty bows and stuff, I'm so sick of that. I finally reached the lake. It's mesmirizing. The water sparkles as the sun hits the surface with gentle baby waves by the wind. I sat on the grass and ate my lunch first.

[Mate.] My wolf reacted and I immediately scanned the place.

[Huh? There's nobody here, Soomin.] I said through my mind. I shrugged and continued eating breakfast.

For every second that passes, the more the intoxicating scent of mint and chocolate gets stronger. And I just realized, I felt someone watching me from behind.

[That's our mate! I told you!] Soomin celebrates his win as I've led my guard down not realizing that our mate was just near.

[Shush Soomin. And I don't care! We would've get caught sooner by the pack warriors since I'm sure by now, mom already notice my absence.] I said as I pretend to not care. I snorted. As if my wolf would believe me that I didn't care.

[What. Ever. Sunoo. You can't lie to me, I know you want to meet our mate too.] See? Why did I even bother lying.

Still I pretended that I can't feel the presence of our mate and continued my sight-seeing. Suddenly I start fidgeting. My heart beat sped up and I'm coldly sweating.

Then before I know, someone grabbed my arm making me stand up because of suddeness and face...him.

"Mine." he growled lowly.


[A/N]: I forgot to tell y'all, there will be side ships. I already introduced the maknae line here, wait till I introduce all then figure out what ships will sail😉

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