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"I...love y-you." Ni-ki stuttered while his blood is dripping from his mouth. His hand that is cupping my face fell down to the ground.

"No! No Ni-ki you can't do this to me! Wake up!" I continuously tapped his cheek to wake him but its no use.

"Love, please! I need you Ni-ki please don't do this to me!" I shouted as my tears stream down to my face. I shut my eyes close and held my lifeless mate tighter. Neither Soomin can't feel Cheolsoo anymore. I kissed him for the last time while crying before I face my own death. Kibum, the alpha who killed my mate, raised his sword once again, aiming to kill me. Though I despise him, I will face my death so I can just be with Ni-ki in the afterlife, forever. Just as I was about to get hit, I heard a loud explosion.

"Enough!" I heard a someone shouted making me look behind. There I saw a beautiful lady with silver hair holding a raging moon septer.

"Celestia. Welcome back to our kingdom, our dearest Luna." Taewon stated. Celestia? Isn't that the Moon Goddess' name? I gasped when realization hit me.

"Yes, my kingdom. My kingdom that you stole from my mate after you killed him!" Her icy blue eyes flares up with anger, but I know it'll just worsen the time she see his lifeless son, and I was right.

"Taejung took everything that's supposed to be mine! Since we were kids, our parents was always in favor for him and I always get the punishments even though he's the one at fault! I was born first so technically I was supposed to be the Alpha! I saw you first in the woods but what? He stole you from me! You were my first love, Celestia. And when you left it shattered my heart in pieces. So I just stood for what's mine!" Taewon said in rising then suddenly calming words like he was storytelling in anger then in a mere second, he's playing the victim.

"That's why your parents never picked you! You and your greedy ambition will make your pack fall. And yes, you may found me first, but you were never my mate. And I never loved you. All I felt towards you is anger through the years and now you just worsen it by killing my son! You'll pay for this." Celes---I mean the Moon Goddess says and before she attempts to raise her septer, Taewon said something which made her stop.

"You can't kill me. And you can't make your son to live again. It's against your Gods and Goddesses' rules. You can't meddle with our lives or you'll vanish." Taewon smirked making my eyes widen. So that explains why she begged for Ni-ki's life when he was a pup. She can't meddle when and how a person dies because it's not her business. Does that mean, she can't help me getting Ni-ki back? I feel my eyes water again.

"With my power, I summon all the gods and goddesses, to end this man's life and all of his allies!" The Moon Goddess stated. Suddenly, a strong gush of wind was felt and I saw a strong current of lightning coming from the huge ball of light that she was making.

With one blow, Taewon shouts in pain as he vanish into thin air, along with Kibum, the shamman, and all of his people. My friends was finally free from being statued, but they chose to stay in their place to give space for us. The Moon Goddess then reached for Ni-ki.

She started caressing her son while mumbling something as her hand started to glow. Ni-ki slowly regains conciousness. I gasped when his eyes flutter open and hugged him tightly. The Moon Goddess' was originally glowing bright, but after she make Ni-ki live again, her glow was starting to flick, starting to fade.

"M-mother?" Ni-ki muttered as we saw the Moon Goddess grow weak for every second.

"Riki, even if we can't be together in this world, I'll be always there to watch over and protect you. I love you, my son." Ni-ki started to cry when he realized what's happening. The Moon Goddess then reached and caressed my stomach.

"With my remaining powers, I bless your children, to be the strongest alphas that will be born. No weapon can hurt their flesh as their protection, and they will be the most caring and loving alphas through time." Her hand glowed as she bless our pup. Just then, a man holding a golden bow & arrow, wearing a golden crown and cape appeared out of nowhere.

"Celestia, its time. For every move, there will be a consequence. You broke a rule and meddle to the lives of the living. You know your life will be the price." He stated making us look up to him.

"Apollo, I'm ready." Celestia answered.

"No! Mother!" Ni-ki bursted into tears.

"I did this for you, son. So you can finally live in peace that you supposed to got years ago." She replied and smiled sadly.

"Will we meet again?" Ni-ki asked, fighting back his tears.

"I'm always here." She pointed on Ni-ki's heart. Then she faced me.

"Sunoo, take care of each other. I picked you for my son because I know how genuine you can be and he needs all the support to lead his pack. And say hi to my grandchildren for me, okay?" She smiled as I nodded. But then a question popped in my mind.

"But who's gonna be taking your place when you leave?" I asked in curiosity, then the man, whom she called Apollo looked at me.

"There will be a new hailed Moon Goddess in the future. For the mean time, I'll take over her work and by the time we appoint the new Moon Goddess, we'll let Celestia to finally cross to the paradise where Taejung, her mate is, so they can be together." He smiled. We sigh in relief so we nodded as cue that we are ready to let her go.

Her body starts to disintegrate, dust-like particles sparkling and vanishing into thin air, and Apollo finally left. Ni-ki on the other hand, can't help but to cry so I embraced him tight, giving him the comfort that he needs.

Mashiho walked to us closer followed by Jungwon and the others. They assisted us to Sunghoon's lands to get checked by their pack doctor.

I am now laying on a clinic bed with Ni-ki sitting on a chair beside me, his wounds was completely healed. We don't really need to go here because technically Ni-ki can heal us both, but we were worried for our baby, so we went here anyways.

I was fidgeting continuously so Ni-ki held my hand as he smiles. Doctor Gi finally came.

"You're all good, Alpha Sunoo. The wolfsbane will eventually run down your system after a few hours so you can finally shift within a day or two. It has no side effects on you as you're an alpha so don't worry." Doctor Gi stated looking at the papers on his clipboard.

"Doc, our pup..." I asked hesitantly. He remained silent for a few seconds. His blank emotion made me nore nervous. Why? Did something happened to my baby?

|to be continued|


[A/N:] Nobody asked but today is my birthday so as a gift, yes I made Ni-ki alive again

Anyways, in greek mythology, Apollo is the god of the sun so I thought why not put him here aside from the moon goddess😀 I originally wanted to put Odin the norse god of wolves but then I thought the moon goddess will be just on his level of power so yeah I just put Apollo instead

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