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Today is when Ni-ki's parents will come back home. The new pack house is already finished so we moved in yesterday. We come up to a unanimous decision to name this pack 'Red Moon Pack' portmanteau of Red Salvia and Crystal Moon, and ironically the moon was also red yesternight. Today we're having a welcome party for Ni-ki's, oh well, our parents.

''Pie, I have to go. The airport is quite far from here. We'll go straight here at Red Moon lands, meet us there okay?'' He reminds me making me nod. I'm carrying Celeste so I can't hug him, he instead pecked my forehead, and Celeste too before rushing to the airport. He's really excited to reunite with his adoptive parents, I can't see him beaming all morning.

''Okay Celeste! Bath time!'' I booped her nose making her giggle. Time flew and I was already done washing up Minsoo and Sunri too. I placed them on their stroller and made way to the backyard where the party will be held. I saw Leo and approached him.

''Alrighty, you three. Behave here while daddy help them prepare, okay?'' I talked to the triplets as if they understood what I was talking about making them stare at me and blabbers on their own language. I giggled because of their cuteness.

''Leo, keep an eye on them. I'll just help the others prepare for the party, okay?'' I turned to Leo and smiled.

''Okay Alpha--I mean Sunoo.'' He corrected himself so I nodded in satisfaction and left them for a while. Then I heard the doorbell rang. I rushed my way inside and recognized the scents. It's Sunghoon and Jake. I opened the door and greeted them with a wide smile.

''Jakey! Hoon! Glad you made it!'' I hugged them both and noticed the little girl that Jake was carrying.

''Oh! Sungyeonie is here too! Hi! The triplets are on the backyard with Leo. You can chill there while I help them prepare the food.'' I waved to their daughter Sungyeon and assisted them to the backyard.

I was about to head to the kitchen but someone mind linked me.

[Alpha! Rogues were spotted heading to the pack house! We tried to fight but they were too many!] Inhyuk linked me and my heartbeat started to pick up its pace.

[Get all the pack members to the safe room, NOW!] I ordered them using my alpha voice and went to the backyard.

[Jungwon! We're being--] I was linking Jungwon while rushing to them but as I arrived there, the rogues are already facing him. He stood infront of Leo that was protecting the triplets. I was about to come closer but the rogue which was in wolf form snarled at me and shifted. Wait, I recognize him. Isn't he that Beta who got banned from Red Salvia because of abusing my mate? Junhyuk. But how...

''Shocked, my dear Alpha? Thought I'm dead? Well, let me tell you a miraculous story.''


(this took place after the scenes from chapter 23)

As the Moon Goddess' curse came through, all the living ally of the greedy Alpha met death. The ones who were breathing at that moment, burned and vanished to thin air. While the ones who died before the spell are luckier that their body didn't disintegrate.

One particular man, laying on his own pool of blood, breathed once again. Miraculously start to move and was able to stand up, only to find out that they lose the war and he was the only one who survived. He limped his way out of the building while pressing his wound to temporarily stopped the bleeding. He reached a cave underneath the mountain and fought for survival.

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