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This can't be happening. Tomorrow is the wedding day and coronation. I have to get back to Ni-ki now or else I don't know if I can get back to him ever again.

I was fidgeting continuously too. I can sense something bad going to happen.

"Gamma Hyojong! Call Sunghoon. I need to talk to him." I ordered the Gamma who is guarding outside my room. I need to convince Sunghoon to call off the wedding. Just then, the door opened revealing Sunghoon.

"Yes, my beautiful fiancé?" He said as I scoff. He's been calling me that ever since he got here.

"I'll go straight to the point. Please call off the wedding. I'm begging you. Trust me, you won't be as happy when you got tied to me." I pleaded. I'm desperate.

"And why is that?" He asks, raising a brow.

"Because I'm not your mate and you know it." I answered calmly. I better not anger him.

"How could you tell? I liked you when I first saw you. Isn't that the feeling of a mate?" He retorted. Gosh this innocent little pup.

"Because I already found my mate, and I need to go back to him. You have your own mate, Sunghoon. When time comes and you meet your mate, you'll understand what I'm saying." I answered back but he remained silent for a few minutes.

He was about to talk but the door blasted open revealing Jungwon.

"Sunoo, you need to go to the safety room. We're being attacked by Wayfield Pack. They're after you!" Jungwon said while gasping for air. We're being what?!

"Jungwon, I need to go to Ni-ki. He can't be hurt!" I protested. Even if that pack is after me, I still wouldn't think twice to go to Ni-ki. His life is more precious than mine.

"But Alpha, you were their target! If you go out there you would--" Jungwon started but I didn't let him finish. I stared into his eyes. He knows what I mean when I gave him that look. My mother told that to me. Look into a person's eye and he'll tell everything, or do what you want. And I guess it worked when I see Jungwon's eyes soften.

"Go quick! I'll follow you. I need to help the gammas to evacuate the women and children to the safety room. Go now! And find a safe place! I'll be dead if your parents find this out. But take Alpha Sunghoon with you, he can help protect you." Jungwon gave up. But why do I have to---ughh fine!

I started running and Sunghoon followed me.

"Where are you going?! The gate is that way!" Sunghoon shouted when he realize that we're going to an opposite direction.

"We'll exit at the basement! What do you think will happen to us if we exit at the main gate, you dumbass?!" Ughhhh he's getting into my nerves. We ran our way to the basement. I nudged the trophy that'll open the passageway and I glanced at Sunghoon's shocked gaze.

"How did you know that? Did you pass here when you ran away?" He ask while running. Why does he have so many question?! He's making my blood boil.

"Just shut up if you don't want us to be traced by the enemies and follow me! Your job here is to protect me, not to be my student. And duuhh? I lived here all my life, of course I know the intestines of this house, my dear ex-fiancé." I teased. He scoffs and gave me a 'what-the-heck' look.

"Hey! When did I ever said I agree to call off the wedding?!" He protested.

"Oh trust me, you will." I smirked.

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