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Sunoo and Sunghoon already left so I rushed my way to the town and assist the women and children I see along the way.

"Gammas! Go to the other side of the territory and assist the others from there! Now!" I ordered. As the next beta, this is how my father trained me.

My father is the new appointed first beta of the pack, just a few weeks ago. But he'll need to pass it to me when my bestfriend Sunoo got crowned. So as part of training, he ordered me to guide the pack members.

I asked Sunoo why he wanted to ban the original first beta and he said he just wanted to appoint my father to the position so I will be his first beta when he got crowned, but I didn't believed it. I know there is a deeper reason.

Then a few days ago, a hearing at the Justice Hall happened. The case is about Beta Junhyuk, the original first beta, abusing the appointed omega on his household. Then I thought, 'What's the connect?' 'What is the heir's concern about that omega?'

And my questions instantly got answered when I saw Ni-ki entering the hall. I get it now. He did this for Ni-ki. But wait, when I first saw him, his eyes flashed red. If he's an omega, how can his eyes change color? Only shifting wolf bloods can flash their eyes to a different color. And omegas doesn't have the ability to shift. Does that mean he isn't an omega? But why did he lived as an omega?

That's when Alpha Sunoo told me that Ni-ki was the pup in the legends. The legends that was told to us when we were little. He's the son of the Moon Goddess. Of course at first I can't believe it. But when Sunoo showed me the heirloom ring of the Crystal Moon Pack, that's when I believed him.

Now I'm guiding the last batch of pack members from this side of the territory. I decided to now follow Sunoo. There's too many people in here but I still manage to identify my bestfriend's scent.

I ran to the east wing and there, I saw Sunoo running towards the north. He's with Sunghoon and Ni-ki but they're with another guy holding a wand whom I can't seem to recognize.

[Mate.] Junghyun, my wolf reacted.

So, he's my mate? I also smelled an intoxicating smell of honey, it's stronger that Sunoo's scent so I had trouble. A Wayfield gamma just attacked me and I had no choice but to fight back. When I defeated the enemy, I can't see Sunoo anymore. Worse, I can't identify his scent anymore because of that intoxicating smell of honey.

So what I did was to follow the strong scent. It led me across the lake. I was hesitant to cross because I'm already at the edge of Red Salvia Lands but I continued anyway. Not minding whether to bump into rogues, I followed the scent which leads me to a cave. I entered the cave and shockingly, a beautiful place was waiting at the other side.

I wandered my eyes until I saw the guy from earlier waving a wand and he seems to be making a barrier. I froze once again then I heard Sunoo calling my name. I suddenly felt pain on my back. I fell on my knees and eventually slumped to the ground. The next thing I knew, was everything became black.

I opened my eyes and saw Sunoo on my side. He gasp when I met his gaze. I can't feel any pain tho. Was that just a dream?

"Jungwon! Thank goodness you're awake!" Sunoo hugged me really tight. I roamed my eyes and realized that I am not in any room of our pack house.

"Sunoo, where am I?" I asked. Did I ever mention that he hates it when I call him 'Alpha'? Yep. Though I still call him alpha when someone is around or when I feel like teasing him.

"You're in a pack house. The lair of the Protectors." He answered. Protectors? He didn't mention anything about protectors. Just when I was about to talk, the door opened and Ni-ki came in.

"You're finally awake. My mate will stop sulking now." Ni-ki said jokingly and smirks at Sunoo.

"Hey! I am not!" Sunoo defenses.

"If I know, you cried buckets when I fainted." I bet. He always call me exaggerated but he is one too. Ni-ki and I laughed.

"You're teaming up against me. What kind of friend and mate are you." He pout dramatically.

"Uhhm, the type of friend and mate that will team up against you." I answered then we laughed again. I got a smack in the shoulder in response. I unconciously held my back and I felt no pain. Huh? But if I am here, that means the events I last remember was true. How come I got no wound?

"Ni-ki already healed your wounds. Completely." Sunoo said as if he could read my mind. Completely? How? Wolf bloods can only make wounds heal faster than human and not instantly. How can Ni-ki healed it completely?

"Was I asleep too long? How come it healed completely that fast?" I asked again

"No. You were just asleep for 2 hours. And you probably forgot that my mate is the descendant of the Moon Goddess."

Ohhh. That explains it. Now I 'completely' believe. Gosh 'completely' has been overused for this day.

"By the way, how did you get here? I was just about to fetch you earlier but you just popped out of the cave. And it's impossible that you followed my scent because there are way too many people there." Sunoo tilted his head.

"I already saw you earlier heading to the north. Then I smelled an intoxicating scent of honey. My wolf reacted and said it's my mate but I was attacked by a Wayfield gamma and I had no choice but to fight back. When I was about to follow you again, you were gone. And I can't distinguish your smell anymore because of that strong scent I'm smelling. So I just followed that strong honey scent and led me across the lake. I hesitated to cross at first but I was there anyway so I just did. Then it led me here." I stated. Sunoo looked at Ni-ki and both furrowed eye brows.

"Here? As in here at the lair? But from what I know, everybody already has a mate here. Who would you be mate with?" Ni-ki said confusingly.

"It's the..." I wasn't able to continue what I'm saying when the door opens again. This time, revealing more people, they were like 7 to 8. Then there is that scent again. I looked at the door once more and saw him.

"It's him." I pointed to the boy who came last.


"It's him." Jungwon pointed someone at the door. I looked to where he's pointing at and saw Jay entering the room.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I whispered.

Everyone came looking at Jay. But Jay seems confused. Take note that he's still a human, only a sorcerer that's why he's with us. So I didn't think that he'll be my bestfriend's mate.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Jay innocently asks.

"Uh.. uhm,, guys, we should leave them alone. Bye Jungwon! Goodluck!" I whispered the last part as he chuckles.

Everyone exited the room, and Jay is clueless that he not included when I say that we should leave.

"Uh, Jay! Can you keep my friend company? I'm just going to uhh...rest a little. Please?" I asked him with an innocent face to not sound obvious.

"Oh, okay Alpha." He smiled. I winked at Jungwon and finally exited the room. I squealed the moment I closed the door.

"He'll finally stop whinning about having a mate." I said to Ni-ki and we both laugh.

|to be continued|

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