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"I still can't believe this. We're having triplets. I thought my life felt complete when I met you, but now it became perfect." I smiled, not taking my gaze off of the sonogram. I looked at Ni-ki and he smiled back. I stared at his eyes and all I could see is love and happiness. Everything feels euphoric.

"It's like our story is a fairytale book or a fantasy movie. That everything fell into place the day we met." I added. Ni-ki cupped my cheeks and place a peck on my forehead.

"If life is a movie, then be my main actor. I'm sure it'll be a blockbuster." He answered as I giggled.

"Well duhh, I wouldn't marry you in the first place if I didn't want to. Of course, I'll be your main actor. We'll both be each other's main characters." I rolled my eyes and smirked. He pulled me into a hug nuzzling his face on my neck, as if it was his own safe little haven.

"I love you." I stated while still hugging him back.

"I love you too. I love the four of you." He said as we broke the hug and he placed his hand to my stomach, feeling the heartbeats of the babies.

"It's getting late. We should rest now." Ni-ki added. We got up from the sofa and showered before going to bed.

.•°•.T I M E  S K I P.•°•.

"As you all know, we'll announce your positions today. This batch of trainees has been the best batch that I have ever trained, but, sad to say you will be parted from now. I'll assign you to your respective groups, but in time, you can get a higher position so don't stop making improvements as it will benefit you all in the future. When I call your name, come in front and receive the troupe badge and get back to your seat for the closing." Gamma Hyojong stated as I stood before him in front of the teen wolves that are training to be part of the warrior troupes.

There are 3 troupes in total. First is the Patrol Troupe. They are the ones who do patrols or rounds in the territory and will be the ones on frontline to fight if needed. Second are the Trackers. They are the group consisting of the wolves with the sharpest senses, mainly smell and hearing. And lastly the officials. Well basically they are the troupe leaders. The Lead Tracker, Head Warrior and Head Patrol wolves are the ones in here. But these positions just get empty once the current official will be retiring, or stepping down. In this pack's case, only the Head Warrior will be replaced as Gamma Hyojong wished to retire once I picked my first gamma. So this ceremony is kinda like a graduation.

"James. Patrol." Gamma Hyojong said as James head to the stage. After I put him his badge, we shook hands and he did a bow before going back to his seat.

"Inhyuk. Patrol."

"JJ. Tracker."

"Jihoon. Tracker."

And a few more names were called. After over an hour, all were finished, except for one. I secretly took a glance at him. Everyone in this batch had a high position, and I can see he's worried. He had his head down and looks lost in the moment.

"And lastly, Leo. Head Warrior." Gamma Hyojong proudly stated making everyone shot heads up and gasped. Leo seems clueless that he was called, so JJ who was sitting beside him nudged Leo using his elbow.

"M-me?" Leo stuttered, eyes widen in shock. He looked at me and I nodded. He hesitantly walked up to the stage.

"I, Gamma Hyojong, First Gamma of Red Salvia Pack, is now passing my title to Leo, son of Beta Byeonghee and Beta Soyoung, to be this pack's Head Warrior." Gamma Hyojong announced as he removes his badge and put it on Leo.

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