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Too late. My father was here before I got home. I can smell his scent getting stronger as me and Jungwon are getting closer to the pack house. When we were at the gate, the pack warriors blocked my way. Jungwon, who ran a bit futher because he wasn't blocked, got confused when he didn't saw me beside him. He looked back and saw my situation.

"Let him in. He's your Alpha." Jungwon orders. His rank is higher as he was a beta but none of the pack warrior budged. I rolled my eyes in disbelief. This is what I get from hiding my face. My people doesn't even recognize me.

I let my eyes flash gold on purpose and when they saw that, they immediately bowed and apologized. Only I have a gold eyed wolf so that's how they recognized me. I shook my head and ran inside the pack house.

From the hallway, I can hear my dad's voice and I can say that he's angry.


"No need, dad. I'm here." I yelled as soon as Jungwon opened the door. He stayed outside the meeting hall to prevent exposing our friendship.

"WHERE. DID. YOU GO?! AND WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING YOUR MASK?!" He nags once more as he pulled me into a hug. Yep he's angry, but still he hugged me. Father's instinct?

"I heard you're fixing me to marry someone who isn't my mate. So I ran away. But I was going back anyways. I just want to enjoy life, Dad. All my life, I've been locked up here in the house, following rules, even hiding my face. Sorry dad, sorry mom." My eyes started to get teary. I kept this for so long. I wanted to tell them how I feel. That I'm hurting inside because I feel like chocking from their over protectiveness, I can't even make friends. If I don't have Jungwon, I would've gone crazy by now. Or worse, dead.

"Okay, from now on, no more mask. But you still can't go outside until you got crowned. Sorry but we need to move the coronation next month instead of this weekend. This is Sunghoon, heir of the Hollow Wood Pack, your fiancé. The wedding will be right before the coronation." Dad said and I frozed. So he's not calling off the wedding?! No!! I found my mate!! What will happen to Ni-ki?!!

"But dad I--" I was about to tell him that I found my mate but he cut me off.

"No more buts. If you don't want your mask to be sealed permanently on your face, do as I said." He said cutting me off. I looked at mom asking for help but all she did was to look back at me with apologetic eyes. No! Ni-ki! I promised him! I have to find a way!

"Can I ask one thing? Just one?" I asked hopefully.

"What is it, son?"

"Your beta and his family. I want them out this pack. They've been abusing the omega assigned to their house for 7 years. Dad, we have a law about not abusing omegas. I can't let this slip." I answered. That's the least I could do. To get Ni-ki away from that pesky bitch.

"Son, that's a big accusation. Do you have any proof?" Dad asks, raising a brow while holding my shoulder.

"The omega itself is a living proof, dad. And besides, you've been endlessly complaining how lazy that beta is. I think Beta Byeonghee is better. Isn't it time to promote him as the first beta even just for a month?" I need to convince my dad for this one. Besides, if my dad will promote Beta Byeonghee to be the first beta even just for a month, that means he'll pass the title to his son, Jungwon which is much better. If Jungwon will be my Beta, I'll have no problem doing whatever I want.

"I'll talk with the officials. Then I'll let you know." That's what dad said. Hopefully they impeach that bastard or else I'll be the one doing it myself.


It has been almost a month since my mate left. Yet, it was the longest month in my whole life. It feels like a torturous 1000 years without seeing Sunoo. My master and his family has been banned 2 weeks ago. I guess Sunoo told his parents about the abuse going around that beta's household. The next day Sunoo left, I was shocked because I was called to the justice hall to do a statement.

Since I don't have to do chores anymore. I just layed on my bed. Now I can't seem to get up. My body is too heavy and I can't even open my eyes. I decided to take a nap. I'm just probably tired.

"Ni-ki. Ni-ki you have to wake up." It's her again. The voice that talks to me on my dreams. I'm aware that I'm dreaming though I can't wake myself up at this moment.

There it is again. That bright light. That light is the one who talks to me to warn me something since I was little and it's always accurate. Once, it warned me that a huge fire will take place at the town and when I got up, the fire almost reach our house so I woke my parents up and ran outside. That voice in my dream saved me so from then on, I always believe her when she warns something. Now seeing her here, I guess something bad is bound to happen.

"Who really are you? Why do you always save me from getting hurt? What are you?" I asked in my dream. It shines bright but by the voice, I can tell it's a girl so I call it a 'she'. I used my hand to somehow prevent the light from going straight to my eyes but its no use.

"I'm the Moon Goddess. I save you because I need to." She said. The Moon Goddess? But Heeseung said...So it means she's my...

"Yes. My son. I endured this for so long. Can I hug you?" She states as the bright light slowly fades and reveals a beautiful woman with silver hair wearing a long light blue dress and a crown with dazzling diamonds on it and a moon septer. My eyes teared up when I realize that she's none other than my true mother. I ran to her and give the tightest hug I could. I broke down in tears knowing that I finally met my mother.

"Son. You have to wake up. You and your mate are in danger."

"But I can't, mom. I'm trying to wake myself but I can't. My body isn't cooperating. And I can't feel my wolf right now. What's happening to me, mom?" I asked as I look to her eyes.

"It's the mate bond. You're getting weaker because Sunoo isn't with you. But now, I need you to use your remaining strength to wake up. You need to get out of this place. I'll help you regain your strength faster." She answers. Me and my mate are in danger? Why? Has the Crystal Moon Pack knew that I'm alive? I left my questions there as I succeeded waking up.

I rushed to the door and the froze the moment I opened it. I saw my mate standing outside with a tall guy which I'm sure that it's not Jungwon. Who is he? I feel my knees weaken and I'm in the verge of crying. Is he his fiancé? Because from how that guy dresses I can say he's from a wealthy family. Just as I was about to fall, I felt Sunoo holding me.

"Ni-ki!!!" He shouts.

"Ni-ki, I'm here. Sorry it took a while, but I'm here. I won't leave you again." He added as he caress my cheek. Good to know. I sigh in relief. I thought he was going to say goodbye.

|to be continued|

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