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Sunoo was getting ready to go to the dragons' den so I left for a while to talk to Jungwon. I saw him standing infront of the house.

"Hey, sorry about earlier." I apologized. Sunoo was kinda moody this past week.

"It's okay. But...what happened? Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" Jungwon asked questions after questions. That's how he is.

"Nothing. He was just...sensitive this past few days. He admitted that he easily upset over little things, like what he did now." I sighed. Something's wrong. He's not like that.

"Sensitive? That's odd. He's not like that when we were kids. He care less to things and get over it easily. What's happening to my friend?" He asked. Seriously, I don't know either.

"You think we should get him checked when we get back to Red Salvia?" I suggested. Something's wrong and I can feel it.

"I think we should. Him being the Alpha, it's not okay if we just shrug this off. Maybe he was just stressed this past week because he's adjusting to his new cycle. You know hiw stressful Alpha duties are." Jungwon states and I agree. Maybe it's that. He's stressed.

"We should get going to the den, call Sunghoon now, I just fetch Sunoo." I said and he bowed as he walk away.

I made my way back to our room but I feel something weird on my head. Is Sunoo in pain?

{[A/N]: Once a wolf blood is mated, they'll feel each other's pain.}

I walked faster and as I open the door, I saw Sunoo sitting on the bed while caressing his temples. I was right, he's feeling pain.

"Pie? What's the matter?" I sat beside him and held his shoulder.

"I just felt dizzy. I think it's because all that crying. It's bearable anyways. We can still go." He answered but I'm not convinced.

"Pie, if you're feeling something, you can rest. I can handle the dragons. Besides, I'm with Sunghoon." I suggested but my stubborn mate shook his head.

"I can manage, Ni-ki. It'll vanish in a couple of time. And I don't want you to go without me." He said and I sigh. There's nothing you can do if Sunoo wants something. Being the submissive me, I gave up and just assist him to walk.


We head off by Sunghoon's lead and we arrived safely at the den.

There were guards outside the den, 2 dragons but in human form. We approached them and told them our purpose.

They guided us on our way inside. From the outside, it looks like a plain cave but on the inside, it looks like a palace. Walls decorated with banners of a dragon, fire torches for every 2 meters interval.

In a distance, I can see a throne with red cushions decorated with gold linings. There, sits a man in a red cape and gold crown. I suspect that he's the dragon king.

"Visitors. It's been a while since my kingdom received visitors. What can I do to my wolf fellas?" The king asked.

"Your highness, we are much aware about your strong friendship with the beloved Alpha Taejung of Crystal Moon Pack..." I started.

"Ah, yes, Taejung. It's been a while since I heard that name. He's a good old friend and leader. Not before his wicked twin killed him and took over the pack." He twitches. I swear I think I saw smoke coming from his nose.

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