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Its the first day that the Beta and his family went away but I woke up earlier that usual to clean a little in the Beta's house before I go find myself.

I mopped the floor, wiped the windows, watered the plants and I'm off.

I excitedly skipped my way to the northern edge, where mom Juni and dad Kijung found me to hopefully find answers. Just as my feet walks toward the lake, an intoxicating smell of sunflower and vanilla filled my nose and made my nerves shiver.

[Mate.] Cheolsoo, my wolf said.

I followed the scent which eventually led me to my original destination, the lake. There, I saw a cute boy sitting on the grass while eating an apple. I don't want to freak him out but my feet involuntarily walk up to him and I grabbed his arm from his back making him stand up.

"Mine." I growled lowly the moment we locked our eyes. I got frozed for a mere second but then he starts attacking me.

All I did was to dodge and block him since I can't hit him. He's too precious.

He punches so cutely but I admit he's strong. I dodged left and right to escape his punches. He spins and stretches out his legs crouching down trying to trip me off but I managed to jump. He tried to punch me once again but I held his fist and gosh I think I'm melting. There's some kind of energy coming from his hand that makes me internally go crazy. I can say he felt it too by his flustered face.

He threw my hand down and he attempted to run. But luckily, I caught him on my arms and gave him a tight hug.

"Hit me. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm your mate." I whispered in his left ear and his face got flushed once again.

He finally calm down and face me. I stared right into his eyes.

"What do you want?" Its the first words I heard from him. Even his voice sound cute.

"You." I simply replied.


"You." He said briefly and I can't contain myself as my face unconciously heats up and I can perfectly tell that I am now a blushing mess.

"What's your name?" I asked as I throw a look on the lake, not wanting to meet his eyes because I'm sure if I did, my face would practically heat up once again.

"I'm Ni-ki." He said and I can't help but to look at him again.

His features, sharp eyes, pointed nose, perfectly pink lips, pale skin, everything about him is astonishing. Now tell me how can I resist a mate like him?

"Hey!" He snapped infront of my face that made me realize I was zoning out because I was staring at him.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm..." I was about to say my name but I remember that all pack members know my name—only not my face—so if I tell him my name, he will figure out that I'm the Alpha's son and he will possibly convince me to go back to the pack house.

"Call me Sun. Just Sun. No questions." I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand just then. He intertwined our fingers as the warm breeze touch our faces.

"Alright, my Sun. So where do you wish to go?" He asks with all smiles waiting patiently for my answer.

"Well, I have no place to stay now. Do you perharps know a place where I can stay for the mean time?" I asked softly as if not wanting to shock him or what that I am homeless. Luckily, he really did not questioned and we quietly left the place.

Ni-ki and I went to a....tree house? Is he really a wolf or an ape? How can he stand to stay 20 feet above the ground?

"Uhm, Ni-ki, seriously?"

"Come on I'll pull you up. Ride on that thing." He said as he points to big looking bucket made of wood that can fit a human–er wolf–that has a rope attached to the upper branch of the tree. I obediently followed and hop on the bucket. As he starts pulling, the higher I get up. It was like a manual elevator. For a while I got concious on my weight. What was it when I last checked? 56kg? Oh my I hope I didn't gain much weight. I don't want Ni-ki struggling.

[So you just admitted that you hate seeing our mate struggling. Just say that you care, Sunoo.] Soomin said in my mind and uh!! Fine! I do care.

[Stop teasing me if you don't want me locking you up too and never let take over.] Just at that, Soomin did shut up.

I reached the top and hop on the ramp that connects to the entrance of the house. It's furnished inside with a wooden bench and table. A dresser and a small cabinet. The air is cold from up here and I find it very peaceful. And in a minute, I felt Ni-ki beside me.

"You can stay at my house but first I want to show you this. When I was younger, I promised myself to bring my mate here when I met him/her. My adoptive parents built this for me. It was actually a perfect hideout and an escapade because as you said, we're 20 feet above the ground. When pack members wander around, of course no one will bother checking up the tree tops. I mean If I would be chasing someone, I won't bother looking upwards and continue running looking straight."

Ohhh. He's pretty brainy. This is just what I needed. If mom will send pack warriors, they would never find me up here. But wait, did he just said adoptive parents?

"Adoptive parents?" I asked confusingly and he just let out a sigh. He held my hand as if he was trying to gain motivations to speak up.

"Juni and Kijung, they're the ones who raised me. They're both omegas." He took a deep breathe as if he was telling this story to someone for the first time after keeping it for so long.

"So being the son of two omegas, of course everyone anticipated that I will be an omega too. But in my 13th birthday, I shifted." He said as I gasped. I suddenly got excited.

"I was told that they only found me near the lake, the lake earlier where we met. It was on the edge of our territory by the way. So from then, I started seeking answers for my questions. But it has been 7 years. Till now I haven't found anything about my origin."

My eyes frowned sadder that my lips in should be. I felt bad for my mate. Why would they throw away such a handsome boy? I felt Soomin rages too as I held him up and calm him down to refrain from shifting and reveal my wolf which you can easily define as an alpha.

"I'll help you, Ni-ki. Let's find your biological parents."

|to be continued|

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