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"I'll help you, Ni-ki. Let's find your biological parents." I said with courageous voice. His face lit up and his eyes sparkle as we look into each other.

Just then, my eyes flashed gold. Someone is mind-linking me.

[Sunoo, where are you? Are you okay? Please answer mommy. I'm worried.] she said with a soft voice, I can imagine her in the verge of tearing up.

[I'm sorry, mom. I'm okay. I just need a week to refresh my mind. I heard that dad is planning to fix me in an arranged marriage and I can't process everything being just locked up in the house and knowing that I'm about to be tied to someone isn't my mate. Just a week mom. Like a vacation. Please?] I asked hopefully, so she stop sending pack warriors for searching me who they don't even know what looks like.

[Okay sweetie. Just a week. Come back before your coronation or else you know what will your father do.]

[Yay! Thanks mom! Promise I'll be back before the coronation]

I have a whole damn week before my father come home and do his every will power to find me. Within this week I need to help Ni-ki find his parents before mine become hysterical and search for me in the entire territory.

"First, let's head back to that lake. Maybe we can find something there." I said to Ni-ki giving him positive vibes that we'll find his home soon.

.•°•.T I M E  S K I P .•°•.

We made it back to the lake we were earlier. Then we suddenly smelled something strong. It smelled like...

"A rogue." Ni-ki whispered and was in full alert hiding me behind his back. His eyes glow red and scanned the area. Then we heard something on the bushes. It's on the other side of the territory tho. We can't cross there since its dangerous to cross an unclaimed territory. But luckily, that someone crossed the line. He's now on our territory and we're free to chase him.

I can tell that he was the rogue we felt earlier. From his smell, yep definitely a rogue. He's running in human form so it doesn't triggers my desire to shift and hover him from the back.

We kept chasing that rogue for I don't know how long but we're near to a waterfalls, I can hear the water splashing from a distance.

That's when the rogue shifted and made Ni-ki shift too. I was in deep shock seeing Ni-ki's fur. He has a shiny black fur. Pure that is. And the more pure black a wolf is, plus the bigger it is, indicates an alpha blood running through its veins. So it means...He's an alpha too?

Ni-ki finally cornered the rogue. They shifted back to human form and lend them their clothes that I managed to pick up earlier.

"Who are you and what do you want from me? I've been sensing rogues whenever I go to that lake. Tell me why you've been eyeing on me!" Ni-ki said with his alpha voice. Okay I'm not doubting anymore. He is an alpha. The way he uttered those words, is not in a questioning way, but more of a commanding way to speak up.

"A-alpha Riki..." He said that made Ni-ki confused. I bet he doesn't know him being an alpha too.

"What are you saying?" He asked with a calmer tone. I can say that he's holding back his emotions.

"A wolf, the more bigger it is, and the purer its black fur, is an indication of an alpha, Ni-ki." I cut in. He looks on my direction. Still with confusion in his face.

"Every pup in the wolf world knows that Ni-ki." I added which made him look back to the rogue. But to our surprise, he's gone.

"That rogue knows something. I have to find him again." He started sniffing and I did too. But that smartass hid his scent with a herbal plant that I only seen on books and now I saw one in real life near the falls. I never imagine these plants were true, I thought it was just made up from novels.

We roamed a little while in the woods hoping to see that rogue once more. He knows Ni-ki. He called him Alpha Riki and—WAIT WHAT?!

"Ni-ki, he called you Alpha Riki. Don't you think that Riki is your real  name?"

Times like this, my sharp memory is such a big help. I looked at Ni-ki and he seems thinking deep.

"You know what, let's get home. I bet you got tired chasing that rogue. I think we had enough clues for today." I smiled and grabbed his hand. He returned the smile as we head to his house.

It's a simple house. Not overly decored, just simple and homey. I like it. He let me sit in the sofa as he head to the kitchen to make lunch for the both of us. I didn't notice how fast the time flew by, or maybe it was because I'm with my mate.

After we finished lunch, he dragged me to his room. It's clean and simple too. Not too big but not too small. He let me sit at the edge of his bed and he went infront of a built-in cabinet. He opened it and pulled a little box underneath his clothes.

He faced me and sat beside me. He opened the box and there I saw a ring that is converted as a necklace. The ring has a moon engraved on it and it seems like it's shining. Crystal Moon. It's bigger than the original size of a normal ring for accessories, this one reminds me of our heirloom ring, the ring that I will soon inherit at my coronation day, well if ever that happens.

"Mom and dad said that I was wearing this when they found me. It's basically the only thing I own that can lead me to my true family." He said while looking at the ring with despair.

"When they handed me this, I said that I'll give this to my mate as it is the only thing I've got." He looked at me in the eyes as he puts it on me.

"Keep it, my sun." He held my hand with his left hand while cupping my cheek with his right hand making me flustered. There is this weird current again coming from Ni-ki's hand.

"But as you said, this is the only thing you got from where you came from. I can't take this, Ni-ki." I protested. He can't let me have this. What if this is his ticket way home? He should be the one keeping it.

"But I want you to have it. I practically can't give you anything since I live as an omega even if I don't have to. Plus, it's safe with you. I know one day I'll be revealed from pretending as an omega and I want this safe. I know you'll take care of it. Won't you?" He pleaded with hopeful eyes. I sighed.

"Okay. I take good care of it." I smiled at him giving him a warm hug. My stomach feels weird now too. Am I hungry again? But we just ate. What is this feeling?

"Thank you. Now, how about you take a nap? You must've been tired from all that running. Come, I'll put you to sleep." He suggests. I do feel a little sleepy. It's been a while since I ran like that.

He lays me on his bed and pulled the blanket up. He layed sidewards as he uses his elbow to make his head rest on his right hand while looking at me. Then I let myself in deep slumber.

|to be continued|

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