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We just arrived at Sunghoon's house after going to the dragons' den. I eyed Jungwon and he looks sad. A pang of guilt hit me. So I turned to him.

"Jungwon, can we talk?" I asked. Ni-ki and the others nodded and went ahead so me and Jungwon can talk privately.

"Yes, Alpha?" He asked which made me frown. He calls me Alpha when:
1.Someone's around.
2.He wants to tease me
3.He's extremely serious.
And by his face, it's not either the first two.

"...Talk as bestfriends and not as Alpha and Beta?" I added.

"Yes, Sunoo?" Much better.

"Sorry, Jungwon. I was a bit moody earlier." I pouted and looked at the floor.

"Just 'A BIT'?" He protests which made me sigh.

"Okay, I was a lot moody lately. I don't know, I was so sensitive these days that even small things made me upset." I feel my tears in the verge of falling.

"Like what?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Like, feeling that I don't want to share my bestfriend with others." I admitted. He stayed silent so I continued.

"I was jealous okay! You could've joined lunch and sit next to me but you chose to stand there and have a chitchat with Sangwon and you seem to get along well." Then I look up to him and saw him holding his laugh.

"Now you're laughing at me." I pouted again. Then he lost it. He laughed his lungs out. When he got over, that's when he answered.

"My goodness Sunoo, you think a little 'chitchat' will make me abandon our 15 years of friendship? You must be underestimating me, my dear friend." He said while raising a brow.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it. I can't control my mood swings." I replied and he sighed.

"Seriously, Sunoo. What's happening to you? You're not like that before. Even your mate is worrying." Jungwon held my shoulder.

"I don't know either. You think something's wrong with me?" The thought of it makes me nervous. Am I ill?

"I suggest you go to Doctor Leeyong when we head back to our lands. Just to make sure." He suggests.

"Okay. Sorry again." I smiled and I got dumbfounded when Jungwon engulfed me in a warm embrace.

"Seriously, you scared me! I thought you were mad! We never fought so just the thought of it scares me. Next time, tell me how you feel, okay?" He asked and I nodded. We went inside and I feel exhausted. This has been a long day.

I let myself fall on the bed without caring to take off my jacket. I wonder where Ni-ki is.

Speaking of Ni-ki, he just popped out of nowhere. Then he came attacking me butterfly kisses on my neck.

"S-stop Ni-ki! T-tickles!" I said in between giggles.

"You were beautiful holding a child earlier." He stated when he stopped. He laid beside me and I faced him.

"You want pups?" I asked.

"Well, I'm curious how it feels to hold my own child. How it feels to be called dad. How it feels have a complete family." He stated.

"I do too, but, maybe not now. And I don't want a surrogate mother for my child. I mean, if we'd have pups, I wanted them to be purely from me and you. Sounds impossible tho." I sighed. Then he started kissing me. He let go first after a few seconds.

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