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"Sun. Pie, it's time to wake up." I heard a familiar voice but I can't recall who. Who dared wake me up this early?! 

I slowly opened my eyes and see the most beautiful creature in front of me.

"Sun, it's time for dinner. Come on." Oh it's my mate. *blush* 'my mate'. I still haven't used to this yet but one thing is for sure. Whatever happens, I'll only be for Ni-ki and for Ni-ki only. I raised my hands for him to pull me up to bed. He did pulled me and engulfed me in a warm hug. Wait did he just said 'dinner'? I looked around and it's already dark outside.

"How long did I've been asleep?" I asked. He broke the hug and look at each other's eye. His eyes seems sparkling up close. I can see my own reflection in his dark brown eyes.

"7 hours I think. You seem so tired and I don't want to wake you up so I just let you and made dinner."

7 hours?! Since when did I become a heavy sleeper? Heck why am I even sleeping this comfortable when I ain't even in my room?

Suddenly, a pang of guilt hit me. Ni-ki already told me his story, but I can't even say my true name. What kind of mate am I for not even trusting my other half? I looked down not wanting to meet his eyes as I contemplate whether to reveal myself or not. In the end, I decided to tell him. He'll know it sooner or later anyways.

"Hey, what's wrong, sweetie? Something bothering you?" He asked worriedly.

"Ni-ki I have something to tell you. My real name is Sunoo. I am the Alpha's son. I ran from the pack house because I heard that my father is planning to fix me to an arrange marriage to a complete stranger. Please keep me Ni-ki, I don't want to be tied to someone else." I begged and I felt my tears involuntarily streamed down my face. He grabbed my nape and pulled me to his chest. I cried it all out.

"Shhhh. Don't worry. I won't let that happen." He rubbed my back. I burried my face onto his neck and breathe his minty chocolate scent. His scent calmed me down and I slowly stopped crying. His hugs are so comforting and warm, I feel sleepy again. He cupped my face and looked at me with loving eyes.

"As long as I'm here, I won't let them take you away from me, okay?" He said assuringly and I nodded.

We ate dinner and I suggested to go out. He hesitated at first not wanting to risk the possiblities that my mom will send pack warriors to find me but still I insisted to go since I wanted to see the stars for the second time. I told him too that I was locked up in the pack house and that I had to wear a mask so no one knows what I look like, except for my scent.

"They literally locked you up? Aren't you bored?" He asked, swinging our hands that are intertwined with one another as we walk through the woods.

"At first I was really bored. The pack house is big because it's our ancestors' house and technically it was renovated through time but still the activities you can do indoor is limited but I had a friend to keep me company. Jungwon is the son of the second Beta, Beta Byeonghee. Nobody knows that we're friends. We kept our friendship a secret because we knew that my parents will make us apart. Now thinking of him, I feel guilty that I left him at the pack house." I frowned. Red Salvia Pack is one of those oldest packs established by wolf bloods so our pack house' style looked similar to an ancient mansion. We stopped walking and he faced me.

"But you wouldn't meet me if didn't ran away." He pouted. Cute. But of course if I had to do it again, I'll still run away if I knew that Ni-ki will be the prize.

"If I need to do it again, trust me I will. I won't spare the fact that I'll be meeting you in exchange for my status as this pack's heir." I held his other hand and I smiled at him widely. He returned the smile as I started to feel my cheeks heating up again. We stayed like that for minutes till Ni-ki decided to break the silence.

"The moon is up. Pie, want to see something fun?" He said as I processed the information to my brain that he just used a cute endearment. I fight the urge to blush but it's no use. I am already a blushing mess. I simply nodded at him.

He held my hand tightly and dragged me to a low hill that has a tree in the middle. We sat in the grass and rested our back on the tree trunk. He suddenly raise and wave his hands and his fingertips started to glow. I was in deep shock on what the heck is happening but I didn't stop him from what he's doing. Few moments later, the surroundings started to glow as if the stars came down to us and sparkle right infront of our faces. It's like seeing a bunch of fireflies but in white colored lights. I gasped in awe from the beautiful scenery. He already stopped moving his hands but these glowing things are still there.

"How..." I wasn't able to continue my sentence. I just looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I don't know either. I discovered this when I was 8 years old. I unconciously raised my hand and my fingertips started to glow. I can do more things than that too. Sometimes, in my dream, a bright light will appear and tell me if something is going to happen, more like to give me a warning. I get stronger at night time too, specifically when the moon is up." He said. Seriously, what kind of creature is my mate? Is he a gifted wolf or something? I ain't complaining tho. Him having this powers makes me feel that I'm special too to be his mate.


While Sunoo and Ni-ki is having a sweet and magical moment, they obviously let their guards down. They didn't know that someone is watching them from afar.

"It is you. I'm happy that I finally found you, our true Alpha."

|to be continued|

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