Special Chapter

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*The following scenes are just a few months after the happenings on Chapter 28. Also know that this chapter is a SEASON BREAKER. Want to know what that means? You'll find out soon;)


I gently placed a sleeping Suncheol on his crib as I approached the bed and laid my exhausted and once again aching body. I just gave birth to a healthy baby boy a few days ago and that's what we named him; Suncheol. Ni-ki offered to heal me but I refused because I don't want him to abuse his powers especially because it drains his energy which we badly needed right now because we just had an addition to our family.

You're probably curious as of why the baby is named after me and Cheolsoo but I think you get the idea. Oh that wolf. I massaged my temples in disbelief. I swear I'm burning all my nightgowns once I get fully rested.

Once I realized that I won't be getting any sleep without Ni-ki next to me, I went to the nursery to check on the triplets. Ni-ki is currently at the kitchen preparing lunch. Anyway, as I step into the nursery, Minsoo's cute little arms immediately wrapped around my leg as he was in his baby walker. I giggled and I felt like the pain slowly subsided as I saw them playing happily as Jungwon entertained them.

''Hey, how is it going here?'' I spoke and caught Jungwon's attention.

''Oh! Sun! You're back!'' Jungwon scurried closer and engulfed me in a loose warm hug, aware of my stitches.

''Yep, I'm good now. I'll take it from here, you can go and rest. I know these three drained you for the past days.'' I chuckled which had him giggling.

''Well, they keep me entertained anyway so I wasn't bored. Looking out after them made me want to have my own...you know...kids. By the way, how do you feel? And where's the pup? Can I see him? What did you named him? Can I---''

''Woah woah, easy my dear bestie. One at a time. First of all, if you wanted kids, you could've just told Jay.''

''That would be weird as fuck.'' Jungwon said in a monotone which made me laugh now that I realized it but I shrugged it off and proceeded.

''Second, I feel fine now if you discard the fact that I just got cut open again and got stitched up for it but that's normal for someone who gave birth through c-section.'' I added and saw his face paled.

''I take back what I said. I don't want to have kids anymore.'' He stated with a hint of fear. He's so extra.

''Lastly, the baby is in our room. We named him Suncheol--Hey! The baby is sleeping! Don't make noi--'' I wasn't able to continue as he dashed out of the nursery and headed to my newborn pup. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief. I looked around and saw that Sunri and Celeste are busy playing with building blocks as Minsoo is still clinging onto my leg in his walker as his big doe eyes just stared me. I crouched down to the level of Minsoo.

''Hey there, bud! Want to see your baby brother?'' I raised my voice a little, sounding enthusiastically as Minsoo nodded once making me beam at him.

The triplets are a year old now. They just turned one year old last week. We're ecstatic at the fact that they are starting to respond when we talk to them. Maybe sooner or later, they'll start talking too.

I picked him up and head our way to Suncheol and saw Jungwon swooning over the infant on the side. I stood beside Jungwon, giving Minsoo a full view of his baby brother.

''Minmin, meet Suncheol, your baby brother!'' I said in a hushed but excited tone, not wanting to wake the baby up. Minsoo's eyes examined his brother with wonder. A few moments of staring to Suncheol, he beamed and pointed the baby.

''B-bubba!'' Me and Jungwon stiffened. Did I heard that right? OH MY GOODNESS I THINK MINSOO JUST TALKED!

[A/N: Bubba is a slang word which means 'little brother'. Considering that babies can't utter a full word on their first time, Minsoo said 'bubba' instead of 'baby brother' which I honestly find cute]

[LOVE! LOVE! COME HERE IN OUR ROOM!] I linked Ni-ki as I panicked internally.

''Jungwon, you heard that, right?'' My blank face stared into Jungwon's who had the same expression. We were completely calm on the outside but we're frantically screaming inside.

I can't hide my happiness anymore when Jungwon nodded and looked back at me. We shrieked without noise and that's how Ni-ki found us.

''WHAT HAPPENED?!'' My mate panicked and rushed towards me.

''Are you hurt? Did your stitches opened? Is the baby okay? Tell me what's wrong, Pie!'' Ni-ki added which made me put a finger over his lips to shush him.

''Relax! And quiet down, will you?! We're okay! I called you because Minsoo just talked!'' I answered and Ni-ki sighed in relief. It got him loading for seconds when he realized what I just said.

''Minsoo talked??!'' His eyes widen and I harshly shushed him for the second time. Hence, I simply nodded in excitement.

''Hey, Minmin, who is he?'' I asked Minsoo as I pointed to Suncheol.

''Bubba! Bubba!'' Minsoo answered as Ni-ki was about to tear up.

''Minsoo, can you say 'Papa'? Say Pa-pa.'' Ni-ki tried but Minsoo just stayed quiet and rubbed his eye. I think Minsoo is sleepy.

''Come on bud, say pa-pa.'' Ni-ki said again but this time, Minsoo started to cry which made me prove that he IS sleepy.

''He's sleepy, Love. You'll get your chance soon.'' I laughed as he dramatically pouted. I went out and made Minsoo a bottle.

I love my life.

Oh but nothing lasts forever, right?

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