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As usual, just another day of my boring life. Though I stopped sulking from my parents, still, there's a part of me wanting to be free. But thanks to Sunoo, I learned that my parents were just doing this to protect me. I started to be obedient, following rules, one step at a time.

I'm just in my room, reading a book. I can easily sneak out if I wanted to, but I chose not to. Suddenly, I heard something that only I can hear.

"The flute! Sunoo!" I gasped. Sunoo is calling me!

That flute is an enchanted flute, made just for my ears to hear. It was given by an old woman when I helped her in the woods, suffering from hunger. I gave her food and water and it turns out, she was an enchantress. She gave it as a gift. Along with the power to follow its sound whether how far, but only I can hear it. I gave it to Sunoo, my first and only friend in my entire life. I know he's married but he's still special, like a brother.

Without hesitation, I sneaked out of our kingdom and went to Sunoo. Just over the mountain, I saw a castle. From what I heard, this is run by a wolf blood, Sunoo's kind. Why would he call me if he was with his own kind?

I still flew over, behind the castle, lies a building. It's oddly square but it had small windows that only hands could fit. Is this a prison?

There were guards everywhere. On my dragon form, I started to flap my wings softly, not wanting to get attention. Then I looked into one of the small windows. There I saw Sunoo, laying on the ground, tied on a chair.

"Mashiho!" He whisper shouted.

I focused to convert myself into my elemental power, fire, in the form of smoke, to be able to get inside. When I succeeded, I shifted back to my human form and ran to Sunoo.

"Sunoo! Are you okay?! What happened?!" I whisper shouted too. Just being careful if ever there were guards outside the cell.

"They kidnapped me." He said while sobbing.

"I thought you wouldn't come. The flute didn't made any sound." He added. I quickly untied his hands and feet.

"Only I can hear the sound. Its enchanted. It's better that way because from what I remember, you wolves also had sharp hearing. If they happened to heard that, we would've been busted." I responded. He hugged me when I finish untying him.

"We have to get out of here. Did they hurt you?" I asked, patting his back.

"No. They didn't. But they injected me wolfsbane so I can't shift. I also can't use telepathy to warn Ni-ki." He answered. This is bad. I went closer to the door but it's locked from the outside.

"It's locked from the outside. I need to melt it to..." He didn't let me finish.

"Mashiho, listen. Go to the nearest wolf pack, the Alpha there is my friend. Tell them to not to let Ni-ki go in the castle. It's all a trap. I'll find a way to escape from this territory." Sunoo said as he held my shoulder.

"I can't leave you here!" I disagreed.

"If we both stay here, both of us will die. Just tell them that whatever happens, don't let Ni-ki enter that castle. It's a big problem when those crazy Alphas found my mate, they'd kill him! Please Mashiho." He pleaded. In the end I gave up and nodded. I made myself into smoke again and shifted in my dragon form when I got through the window.

First, I'll let my dad and their pack know. Then I'll go back in here as fast as I could.

I quickly reached our den. I dashed to my father and he scolded me the moment I entered.

"Where have you been?!" Dad shouted.

"Sunoo...he's one of those wolves who...who went here a few days ago...he got captured by those wolves in the castle across the mountain...he needs...he needs help." I said in between gasps. As soon as I completed my sentence, dad's eyes widen and started to order warriors to observe there.

"Dad, I need to go to the nearest wolf pack. Sunoo said something that I should tell to his friend. Dad, just this once, please let me." I begged. Well, if he didn't agree, I'd still go anyway. I wasn't expecting him to, but I was shocked when he nodded.

"Be careful and don't do anything stupid." He said and I rushed my way to the nearest pack.

I was running on the way to their territory, but the border patrols of the pack blocked me.

"I'm from the dragons' den, we're allies. Tell your Alpha I need to tell him something." I stated. He remained silent for the next seconds, I know he's using telepathy. When he nodded, they assisted me the way to their Alpha's house.


We held a meeting to know which step to take to get Sunoo back. The dragons found out that they took Sunoo to the castle of Crystal Moon Pack. Since the Protectors lived there and they were trained to this in the first place, they'll be leading us on our way.

"We've been eyeing on that pack so we kinda get to know how they work. We have a spy who lived there and he managed to know when is the best time to attack." Soobin starts and points the board with many pictures and threads on the push pins.

"The pack patrols shift duties every 12 hours. Since the castle is facing the north, more pack warriors was guarding there. A dungeon is located on the east side, all guarded too. The weakest part would be the west wing, so it's the best spot to get in." Beomgyu continues, pointing a picture of a castle and an oddly square building.

"The old sorcerer's house is separated 2 kilometers from the castle but it has a secret tunnel beneath that connects to the castle's basement. From there, we can split to groups, so some will enter the west wing, and the others to the tunnel so we won't gain attention. Jay knows the way since that's where he and his father lived." Taehyun pointed Jay.

"Of course, they will be alerted from the edges of the territory so I suggest we should go there seperately, the first batch can make the gammas busy so we can sneak inside." Jay added.

"We need more manpower. We've planned this years ago but we have no enough people so our plan couldn't take place." Yeonjun said then suddenly, Sunghoon raised his hand.

"We already talked to Black Pearl Pack, they're on their way. The dragons will also be helping us. They'd go in their dragon form and take the safest route to take, the sky." Sunghoon stated.

I was fidgeting all throughout the meeting. Then a gamma went in the meeting hall.

"Alpha Sunghoon, a dragon arrived. Shall we let him?" He asked.

"King Kei probably sent him here. Yes. Let him enter." Sunghoon answered. Few moments later, the door opened revealing Prince Mashiho.

"Your highness?" We immediately stood up and bowed, all shocked.

"Sunoo sent me here." As soon as I heard my mate's name, I went closer to him.

"Where is he now?!" I asked.

"He's still imprisoned in a dungeon there beside a castle over the mountain. He told me to not  let you enter the castle." The prince replied.

"They want me, right?" I asked bitterly. If they want me, get me. Not my mate and pup.

|to be continued|

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