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It's just 6 in the morning and I decided to stay on bed, watching my mate peacefully sleeping. We fell asleep cuddling and still woke up in this position. I've been awake for like 15 minutes now.

I pecked Sunoo on his lips. I know he's already awake.

"Get up now, Pie. I know you're waiting for that." I whispered. His face suddenly turned bright red, but he still didn't open his eyes.

"Come on, Sunghoon will nag at us if we come late for his coronation."

It's been a week since we got married. Every morning, he waits for his good morning kiss from me before he gets up. It's been a week but he still blushes. He's so cute.

He opened his eyes and met mine. I smiled and he smiled back. I kissed him once more.

"Good morning, Pie." I said.

"Good morning, my handsome mate." He responded. We jumped out of the bed and got ready for our friend's coronation.

.•°•.T I M E  S K I P.•°•.

We finally arrived at Hollow Wood Pack lands. The pack that Sunghoon will soon run. We're here for his coronation, along with Sunoo's parents, Jungwon as his second in command, and Jake for Sunghoon to finally introduce his mate to his pack members.

The ceremony didn't last long like ours because Sunghoon and Jake decided to get married another time, maybe next year, So the ceremony was just meant for the coronation.

Sunghoon walked up to the front where his parents are standing. He kneeled on one knee like what Sunoo did when he was crowned.

"I, Alpha Youngmin, is now passing my title to my son, Sunghoon. Today, I give you all my power, my authority, as the new leader of this pack. You are now the new Alpha of Hollow Wood Pack." Sunghoon stood up and stepped one step backward as his beta was next to be ordained.

"Sangwon, Son of Beta Wonjin and Beta Sana, I ordain you to be this generation's first Beta, you are bound give loyalty to your Alpha, help him lead this pack, guide him from making decisions, and stay with his side till you completed the race and pass to the next generation." It's funny how Jungwon and Sangwon has rhyming names and kinda look alike, plus they have the same position in their respective packs.

Then the former Alpha motioned everyone to stand up and hail for the newest Alpha and Beta.

When we saw that Sunghoon is free from socializing other pack officials, we walked up to him to say congrats.

"Congrats Alpha. Grow up now." Sunoo teases and Sunghoon gave him a 'what-the heck' look but Sunoo doesn't seemed bothered.

"Kidding. So when is the wedding?" Sunoo added and Sunghoon responded a beaming smile. Hmmmm, suspicious.

"I know we agreed to take things slow but I'm planning to pop the question at midnight, under the starry sky." He whispered.

"That's okay, you just wanted to give him assurance that he's the one you're marrying. Besides, we aren't sure if he'd say yes." Sunoo replied. And that's when they start bickering again. Gosh this two.

"Hey! Of course Jake will say yes!" He yelled but I frozed when I saw Jake approaching this way.

"Say yes to what?" Jake asked. Busted! Sunghoon widen his eyes when he realized who's the owner of the voice.

[Why didn't you told me that Jake was just behind my back?!] He mindlinked me and Sunoo.

[Not our fault!] We both linked back. Sunghoon faces Jake and placed a nervous smile.

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