Chapter 1

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Castiel stared at the brick wall nervously. He felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his father-through-adoption, Bobby Singer. Standing next to Bobby was his wife, Ellen. They both gave him a smile.

"It'll be fine, boy." Bobby told him, and Castiel gave him a small smile in return. He looked back to the wall. He stood in front of the wall in between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station. He would have to go through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4. From there he could board the Hogwarts Express. When he had turned 11, he'd received his acceptance letter, just as Bobby had predicted he would.

Castiel took a deep breath, then gave a nod. Ellen gave him a reassuring smile and hugged her adopted son goodbye. Bobby ruffled his hair and gave Castiel a quick hug. Then somebody rammed into him, making him almost fall backwards. It was his younger sister, Joanna.

"Love you, Cas." She whispered as she wrapped him in a hug. Cas laughed and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, too, Jo." He looked away from her and gave his family a smile. He waved to them before grabbing his things. The owl Bobby and Ellen had let him buy gave a hoot, attracting the attention of Muggles. Cas let out a shaky sigh and ran towards the wall.

He cringed as he approached, but when he stopped running he found himself on a new platform. It was flooded with people holding owls and robes. Some of the older students were playing with firecrackers or pretending to duel. Sitting on the tracks was a giant, blood red train that read 'Hogwarts Express'. The sight took Cas' breath away. Bloody hell, he loved being a wizard.

The train whistle blew and people began boarding the train. Castiel followed suit and pushed through the crowd to find an empty compartment. He tripped, stumbling into a compartment and falling on the seat. There was only one boy in it, so Cas didn't bother getting up. The boy stared out the window. Cas cleared his throat and shifted, uncomfortable.

The boy looked away from the window to Cas. Castiel's breath slightly caught in his throat. The boy had a face full of light freckles, light brown hair, a slight glare that appeared to be painted onto his face, and startling bright green eyes.

Cas had messy raven colored hair and pale skin, and his eyes were the brightest blue ever. The boy looked Cas up and down, smirking.

"First year?" The boy asked. Cas nodded and the boy said that it was also his first year. Cas shifted and looked out the window. He could still feel the boy's eyes on him and heat ran to Cas' face. He refused to look back at the boy. The green eyed boy leaned forward and held out his hand.

"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester. You?" Cas looked at the boy, then slowly took his hand. It was rough and warm. "Castiel Novak." He replied shyly. Dean nodded, released Cas' hand, and smirked again. Cas had just met Dean, but he really wanted to punch that cocky smirk right off. He glared at Dean.

"Castiel." Dean said. "Castiel. That's an interesting name. I mean, what kind of name is that? Who in their right mind names their kid Castiel?" Cas' glare grew stronger. "My parents, you jerk." He snapped back. Dean opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it.

"True." He said after a minute. "But clearly they're crazy."

"They're dead." Cas almost shouted, his body fuming with anger. Dean's jaw went slack with shock. "They died when I was 3." Cas continued, although he was not sure why.

"Sorry." Dean mumbled. Cas grumbled a 'whatever' and returned his gaze to the window. "My mum died." Dean said quietly. Cas looked back to Dean, his glare fading. "I was 4. She was in my little brother's nursery when a light bulb exploded. I carried Sam out, but . . . We didn't get to my mum in time." Cas whispered an apology to Dean and sighed.

They had clearly gotten off on the wrong foot. Dean looked back to Cas, the smirk now back. "So, Castiel, what house do you hope to be in?" Cas shrugged. He hadn't really given it much thought. "I don't know. My dad was a Ravenclaw and my mother was Slytherin. Or at least, that's what Bobby says."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "Who's Bobby?"

"Bobby was a friend of my parents, and when they died he and his wife Ellen adopted me. I also have a younger sister, Jo." Dean nodded. "I've my dad, John, and my brother Sammy." Cas smiled and Dean leaned back against the seat, throwing his arm around the back of it.

"I want to be Gryffindor." Dean said after a minute. "My mum was. Sam will be a Ravenclaw for sure. The kid's a genius." Cas smiled. He could tell how much Dean cared for his little brother; his eyes lit up and he would get this special smile on his face.

"So what do you think Hogwarts will be like?" Cas asked.

Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now