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To start off, I literally cannot believe I am putting something new out for this fic. I honestly spend most of my time pretending this fic doesn't exist, and had also completely forgotten my password for this account. I'm not really sure what possessed me to try and figure it out, but here we are I guess??

Anyway, the point of me adding this on here is that I have begun rewatching Supernatural, and when I finally logged into this account and reread this fic, I had a thought. That thought was that I wrote this fic when I was literally in middle school, and while people may still actively be finding and reading this, it's a pretty poor showing of where my writing skills are now. Anyway, much like any major corporation in media, I have next to no original ideas, and I figured that I could do waaaayyyy better on this than my middle school self. In other words, I want to rewrite it. In the year 2023. A Destiel Hogwarts AU. 

And I'm posting this addition to the original fic both to gauge whether or not anyone would actually read it if I decided to rework this whole thing, and to make sure that when a very very similar story came out (probably still on here) no one freaked out, accused anyone of stealing ideas, and the like. 

If anyone reads this, let me know y'all's thoughts. And thanks to everyone who does still read and enjoy the first fic I ever published. 

(If anyone wanted to see what my writing is like now, I moved over to AO3 and can be found at isnt_that_wizard)


Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now