19 Years Later

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A/N: Yes, I'm doing the Harry Potter thing with 19 years later.

  Dean Winchester tapped his foot impatiently. Well, more like nervously. "Come on, Cas! Get your ass down here!" he shouted up the stairs. Dean took a deep, annoyed breath. "I'm coming, Dean! Hold your thestrals!" Dean rolled his eyes. As long as they'd known each other, he was still slow as hell.

  Cas came running down  the stairs two at a time. Dean lost his breath as he saw his boyfriend. Castiel's hair was messy, as usual, his big blue eyes sparkled, and we wore black jeans, a forest green t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Dean practically fainted at the sight.

  Oh, of course, he just had to look hot as frigging hell. Dean thought. That just makes this so much easier . . . Dean took Cas' hand to keep his from shaking. "Y-you look great, Cas." Castiel smiled and went light pink. With a smirk, Dean led Cas out of their house and to Dean's car. It was a gorgeous black 1967 Chevy Impala.

  Dean loved this car almost as much as he loved Cas. Dean started the car, trying to ignore his elevated pulse as the Impala's engine roared to life. He wouldn't be surprised if Cas could hear his heartbeat. Dean took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm himself.

  Dean remembered what had happened when he told everyone. If he remembered correctly, Sam's exact words were "It's about goddamn fucking time." Jo had cheered loudly for a good five minutes with Gabriel, he remembered Charlie, Meg, and Dorothy cheering into the phone as loud as she could for 5 minutes, and Bobby and Ellen had gladly and calmly hugged him.

  Cas and Dean drove in silence, probably because Dean was afraid to open his mouth. Dean gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white as he took another deep breath."Dean? Why'd we take the car? I mean, apparating would have been quicker."

  Dean just shook his head and shrugged. What Cas didn't know was that Dean was stalling. All Cas knew was that Dean was taking him to dinner. They pulled up to the restaurant. A waitress seated them and handed them menus. Cas stared at Dean as if he could sense something was wrong.

  Dean folded his hands in his lap to keep from playing with something out of nervousness. He sat on the edge of his chair, chewing the inside of his lip. He glanced up to meet Castiel's eyes and immediately looked away. Even after 24 years, Cas' blue eyes still caught him off guard.

  "Cas," Dean began, finally working up the courage to speak. "Do you recognize where we are?" Cas raised an eyebrow, looked around, then shook his head. "Um, no . . . Why? Should I?" Dean smiled at his confused boyfriend. "This is the restaurant from our first date."

  Realization hit Cas and his eyes lit up. "Merlin's beard, yes, it is! I remember now!" Dean laughed. "Yeah, and I know that our first date wasn't all happy memories, but this part was. And I wanted someplace special."

  "For what, Dean?" Cas said, giving him a confused head tilt. Dean wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans and took a deep breath. "Castiel, it's been 24 years. I have known you for 24 years and loved you for all of it." Dean reached across the table and took Cas' hand.

  "Never once have I ever regretted talking to you on that train. Even though all the fights and bad times. Something about those beautiful eyes and wonderful, perfect personality entranced me and I never wanted to let go. I'm glad I didn't because you are the best thing to ever happen to me."

  Cas gave him a loving smile. He opened his mouth to speak, but Dean interrupted. "Cas, I'm not finished." Cas laughed and signaled for Dean to continue.

  "You know what? Screw the rest of the chick flick speech." Dean took a deep breath, gathering all the courage he had. He slipped out of his chair and onto one knee. He pulled a little box from his pocket and popped it open, holding out out to Cas. Cas brought a hand to his mouth with a gasp and Dean laughed slightly.

  "The point of all this is that I love you. I love you more than anything, and I want you to be in my life forever. So, Castiel James Novak, will you marry me?"

  Dean saw tears form in Cas' eyes. His boyfriend began nodding fiercely. "Yes. Yes. Oh my God, yes." Dean gave a sigh of relief. He laughed and pulled Cas into a hug, tears forming in his own eyes. He buried his face in Castiel's neck as Cas tightened his hold on Dean.

  "I love you, Dean. I would love to marry you." Dean pulled back with a smile larger than life. He pulled the ring from the box and placed it on Cas' finger. It was a simple silver band with two gems in the middle. One emerald and one sapphire. All asking them, people cheered and applauded. This made Cas flush red, but Dean smiled, not taking his eyes of Castiel.

  "I love you, Dean."

  "I love you, too, Cas," Dean replied with a smirk. He pulled Cas to him and placed his lips on Castiel's.

  All was well.

Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now