Chapter 8

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  Cas woke to the smell of vinegar. He rolled out of bed, covering his nose from the horrific smell. He walked out to the main part of the common room, where the majority of the Hufflepuffs were gathered. They all stood or sat around a soaking wet boy. Cas tapped Charlie's shoulder.

  "First year forgot the barrel order." She explained. Cas shook his head and sighed. This happened every year. Some poor kid would always get themselves drenched in the vinegar. Cas turned and walked back to his dormitory. He got dressed, taking extra long to avoid the smell. Soon the vinegar was replaced by the smell of flowers, however, and the first year was cleaned up.

  Cas left the common room to make his way to breakfast. Cas hoped to run into Meg, as he hadn't spoken to her in days, but he had no such luck. Her common room was on the opposite side of the school. Cas sighed. He'd have to find her later. Cas continued walking, now I'm search of Dean. The two boys always met up in the same place.

  There was a portrait of a witch dressed in all black. She would constantly glare at the students and yell for stupid things. She was easy to spot, which is why Cas and Dean had chosen the portrait as their meeting place. Cas ran up the stairs to where she was located. The staircase attempted to move on him, but Cas jumped off before it could move too far.

  Cas turned a sharp corner, walking down the corridor that held the painting. As he approached it, he slowed, coming to a stop about 10 feet away. In front of the painting stood Dean, as always, but today he wasn't alone. Cas' breath shook and he felt heat rise up his neck, spreading to his cheeks. He tried to back up, but his feet were glued to the spot.

  Dean stood with Lisa Braeden. And he was kissing her. Cas felt as if he couldn't breathe. He knew the two had gone out a couple times, but he didn't remember Dean ever showing this much interest in her. Cas felt a tear form in his eye. He blinked it away. He wasn't even sure why he was so upset. He had never truly held out that much hope for he and Dean. His best friend was clearly straight.

  Even so, seeing Dean that close to Lisa and kissing her hurt more than anything Cas had ever felt. He suddenly found the will to move and spun on his heels. He quickly walked out of the hallway, ran down the stairs, and took a seat at the Hufflepuff table. Cas ate in silence, ignoring Charlie, who tried more then once to talk to him, and never once looking over at the Gryffindor table.

  When he sat down in Charms, Dean turned to him and said, "I waited for you by the portrait. You never showed. What happened?" Cas felt anger and jealousy rise in his throat as he pulled out his book. "Sorry. Forgot." Cas couldn't bring himself to look at Dean.

Dean mumbled an 'Okay' and put his focus on Professor Flitwick. Cas tried to do the same, but couldn't while sitting by Dean. Why couldn't it have been him who Dean was kissing this morning? When class was over, Cas raced out of the room, leaving a confused Dean behind him.


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