Chapter 21

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  Everyone sat in the sitting room, completely silent. Dean could see Gabriel biting his lip. He and Sam sat in close proximity, their hands almost touching. The two clearly cared a lot about each other. Sam hadn't left Gabe's side since they got here. Dean studied the younger boys.

  Dean glanced down to where Cas' head rested on his shoulder, then back to Sam and Gabriel. This time he caught Sam's eye and gave him a small smile. Sam returned it, then glanced at Gabe. Dean knew he was silently asking if Dean approved of him fancying the Slytherin second year. Dean smirked and nodded.  Sam's smile grew bigger and he rested his head on Gabriel's shoulder.

  Gabriel blushed as he did, but shifted closer to Sam so he was more comfortable. Dean watched as Sam closed his eyes and sighed with contentment. Dean looked down to his boyfriend, who had his hand covering his sore eye. Dean pushed Cas up into a sitting position, then pulled Cas' hand away from his face. He gently kissed Cas' bruise, causing him to blush.

  He repositioned Cas so his head was back in Dean's shoulder, then he took his boyfriend's hand and gave it a squeeze. Cas smiled weakly and kissed Dean's shoulder. Dean could feel Bobby watching them. He met Bobby's eyes and saw nothing but worry and care. Bobby and Ellen cared for Cas a lot. The conversation with Gabriel and Lucifer's mother, Anna, had consisted of mostly shouting.

  Even Gabriel had taken the phone and yelled about Lucifer. Anna had been shocked by the news. She was horrified at what her son had done, and furious as to why he'd done it. Anna was religious, but she had no problem with gay people. She'd even been glad when Gabe told her he was.

  "I'm so sorry about Lucifer, Cas." Gabriel said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "I don't know what got into him. He's never done something like this before. I have no clue what his problem is." Cas shrugged and smiled at his cousin. "You don't have to apologize for him, Gabriel. He's always had the devil in him."

  Dean kissed Cas' messy raven hair. Dean knew it could've been worse. Lucifer had been strong. They were lucky that they'd only gotten away with a couple bruises. Dean sighed. Dean knew that Cas had known what was coming when he made that remark about God. Cas had flinched before Lucifer even reached him. He had known Lucifer was going to hurt him for saying it, but he said it anyway.

  Dean worried the inside of his cheek, thinking. He nudged Cas, then gestured towards the hallway with his head. Cas understood the signal and stood up, following Dean out of the room. "What is it, Dean?" Dean sighed, and looked into Cas' sharp blue eyes. He grabbed Cas' face and brought their lips together, kissing Cas fiercely. Cas made a yelp of shock, but soon he melted into it, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck.

  Dean's hand found their way to Cas' hips, bringing him closer as he pulled away, both boys breathing heavily. "First, I love you. I love you more than anything and want to make sure you know that." Cas smiled at Dean's words. He kissed Dean gently, running his hands through Dean's hair. "Of course I know that, Dean. But that can't be the only reason you brought me out here. What's wrong?"

  Dean sighed; Cas knew him all too well. He placed his forehead against Cas' as his boyfriend's hands left his neck and went to rest on his biceps. Dean bit the inside of his lip. "I was . . . I've been thinking. And . . . Um, I, um, I want to tell him." Cas tilted his head in confusion. Even with a black eye, Dean thought Cas looked adorable.

  "What do you mean? Tell who what?" Dean looked to the ground, sucking in a deep breath. "I want to tell my dad that we're together." Cas practically jumped away from him. "What?! No!" Dean glared and shushed him; he didn't want the others to hear.

  "No!" Cas repeated in a violent whisper. "No, Dean, don't be stupid. You can't do that! What if something bad happens? What if he hurts you? Oh Merlin, what if he hurts you? Dean, this is not a good idea." Dean couldn't meet Cas' eyes. He heard Cas' voice break and knew that if he looked up he would meet tears.

  Dean took Cas' hand, pulling Cas back to him. "Cas, please. This is something I need to do. I want him to know the truth, even if he. . . Even if it does end badly. Please, Cas, I need you to back me in this." He finally looked Cas in the eye.

  "Dean, I. . ." Cas sighed as Dean pleaded with him. "We. . . Fine. Fine, okay. We'll tell him. I'll. . . I'll ask Bobby for money so we can take the bus in the morning." Dean gave a sigh of relief and hugged Cas tightly. He buried his face in Cas' hair and closed his eyes tightly. "Thank you, Cas."

  Cas was clearly not comfortable with this. "Just promise me that if he even so much as raises his hand, we'll leave." Dean nodded. "I promise, Cas. Thank you." Cas pulled away just long enough to place his lips against Dean's.

  "I really don't want to do this. You're lucky I love you." He whispered before kissing Dean again. Dean pulled him closer and smiled against Cas' lips. "I love you, Cas. I love you a lot." He said, pulling away. Cas nodded before Dean took his hand and led them back to the sitting room.

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