Hey, guys

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Hello, everyone. I'm back with another Author's Note. Since November of last year, I haven't updated anything, and I've barely read anything on Wattpad. I'm not entirely sure why I still have the app sometimes. But here I am, so I thought why not have a little story time.

A couple months before the first chapter was put on here, I was scrolling through random Destiel stuff, when I found this really cute fanart of what Cas and Dean would look like at Hogwarts. I loved it so much, I went and sent it to my best friend.

She loved it just as much, and we both realized that there aren't really very many Destiel Hogwarts AUs. Because I love to write, and she wanted to read one, I figured, "Hey, I can write a fic", thus leading to me writing my first fanfiction ever.

I wrote it out in a notebook, changed it a lot, then decided to post it here. I needed a cover for it, so I went back to that fanart. Because no one knew me and it was my first fic, I didn't have many reads at the beginning, but I didn't really care. I was having fun writing it.

Looking back now, it's been over a year since I published chapter 1. If I'm completely honest with you, I really, really dislike like this story now. There are so many things that could be changed, and the writing style is so much different than what I have now. I can't tell you how many times I've cringed at this story and thought about taking it down.

But I haven't. There's always something that stops me. I think it used to be "Oh, but I don't want it to be deleted forever. It is my writing and I was proud of it", but not anymore. What stops me now is every single one of you. Every vote, comment, and reader. It amazes me.

I don't use Wattpad very often, but I do look at me notifications, and believe it or not, I have read every single one of your comments. I cannot fathom the amount of notifications I get on this story, and it makes me so happy to receive every one.

You are amazing, all of you, and I could not have asked for better readers. So I want to say thank you so much for keeping me from deleting this story, and for enjoying it, even if I don't anymore. I'm still proud of myself for writing this because all of you enjoy it.

I published this expecting no one to read it ever, so I may not have as many readers as a lot of others have, but I'm proud of mine. Continue to vote and leave comments. Any type of compliment, criticism, or complaint is welcome. Hey, even if you just want to chat, that's cool.

Thank you again.

Your loving author,

PS: Hey, if you're interested, look me up on Tumblr. Same URL: isnt-that-wizard

Winchester & Novak - A Destiel Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now