Chapter 6

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Over the next two days, Dean remained in the hospital Wing, doing absolutely nothing but complaining. He whined to Cas, Jo, Sam, and even Madame Pompfrey. But no matter what he did, he was stuck in that hospital bed with Cas bringing him his classwork and attempting to teach him.

Cas had spoken with Madame Hooch and the Gryffindor captain, Chris, to set a date for the continuation of the cancelled game. They decided to put it on the upcoming Saturday, which gave the teams time to prepare and gave Dean a chance to completely heal. Finally, much to everyone's relief, Madame Pompfrey released Dean from the Hospital Wing. 

He gladly left, his concussion gone and his bones whole. Cas was glad to have Dean back in classes. It might have only been two days, but the classes had seemed to slow without Dean. When Cas walked to Potions Wednesday morning, he was pleased to find Dean already sitting there, waiting for him. The boys smiled at each other as Cas sat. 

"How are you feeling, Dean?" Dean smirked at Cas and replied, "Awesome." Cas smiled at him, then turned to the front of the classroom as Professor Snape walked in. 

When the hour was over, Dean stood and waited as Cas collected his things. When Cas stood, Dean began slowly walking down the aisle of desks and out the door. Cas tried to catch up to him, but tripped when a Ravenclaw stepped in front of him. Cas gave a quiet yelp, but it was loud enough for Dean to hear. Dean caught Cas, putting his hands on Cas' upper arm and chest to steady him. 

Cas thanked him, but even as Cas fully regained his balance, Dean still held onto Cas. Castiel blushed strongly, but didn't move Dean's hands. Dean put one hand down and the other trailed down Cas' arm as it lowered back to Dean's side. The feeling made Cas' heart skip a beat and he took an involuntary sub-step back. Cas saw something flash through Dean's eyes, but he couldn't tell what it was. 

Dean opened his mouth as if he going to say something, but a few seconds later he shut it again. Dean cleared his throat and both boys looked to the ground. Before things could grow any more awkward, Cas walked out of the classroom, Dean following closely behind. They walked in silence, Cas feeling red and Dean not looking up from the ground. 

Cas looked ahead, then smiled. "Jo! Sam!" Dean looked up and smiled, too. Ahead of them were a girl with her blond hair pulled into a pony tail and a red and gold tie around her neck and a smaller boy with long hair and a blue and silver tie. The two turned at the sound of their names being called. Cas raised a hand in greeting and Jo did likewise when she saw him. 

Cas and Dean ran to catch up to them. "Hey, guys. Where are you headed?" Sam asked them. Dean looked to Cas as if he'd totally forgotten. Cas rolled his eyes. "Herbology." As much as he loved Dean, Merlin's beard, that boy could be clueless. Cas caught himself staring at Dean and quickly looked away. Jo smirked at him and Cas glared in return.

He regretted ever telling her about liking Dean. But as annoying as she was about it, at least she'd been completely supportive. She had never given him any grief about it or teased him. She just gave him these knowing looks every time he blushed. Just like everyone else he knew, she had completely accepted him being gay. Cas loved her for it and couldn't imagine a better sister.

Dean cleared his throat. "Well, we should all be getting to class. We don't want to be late." Jo nodded and gave Cas a one armed hug before walking away with Sam. Dean gave a nod to a corridor, signaling that he and Cas would need to go down it. Cas smiled at Dean and grabbed his sleeve, pulling him down the hallway and towards the greenhouses, Dean laughing as they went.

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